Acrobat 2019.008.20071 and Pitstop Edit 13 Tools missing.
After Acrobat updated to 2019.008.20071, my Enfocus Pitstop Tools have disappeared. I have tried uninstalling/re-installing both Acrobat and Pitstop. With no change. I have checked for an update to Acrobat but get a message that 20071 is the latest version. Enfocus says the problem is in Acrobat.
When can i expect a fix for this. I need these tools in order to be able to work with my customers. Thanks

James Reader commented
I also have this problem. It's not just Pitstop Pro. I also use Quite A Box of Tricks and Quite Imposing and neither of those work either. Also, I can't use the suggested workaround as, after turning off tabs and re-starting Acrobat, tabs is checked again. I cannot therefore successfully turn off tabs!
Adminahusain (Software Engineer, Adobe) commented
Sorry fro the late response.
Latest version for Acrobat is now 19.010.20099, can you please let us know if the issue still exists in the latest version.