Bug, Error running Action Wizard against multiple files.
I have an Action Wizard doing the following:
1. OCR
2. Optimize
3. Save the file
When I run this same Action on two separate Machine against a folder with a lot of PDF files in it, after running for a while, say doing 100 - 300 files, if fails. The DC Student version gives out of memory dialog box error and stops and the Pro DC version gives a dialog box saying "There was an error opening the document...." I will attach the screen shut of the error I get.
Alex Lush commented
I'm getting the same issue. Typically the action wizard will stop after processing around 250-280 pages. Mine is being run on TIF files and has 3 steps:
1) Optimise Scanned Pages
2) Set Open Options
3) SaveGets to around 250 files then shows an error 11 repeatedly and i have to force close Acrobat. Rerunning from where it stopped works fine so the error 11 is a false positive as the same file then opens fine after this.
Appears to be an issue with garbage collection I suspect.
AdminKhushbu Tekariwal (Admin, Adobe) commented
Thank you for reporting this issue. Please provide me the exact action (.sequ) file so that we can reproduce this issue at our end. It would really help if you could share the files/folder as well.
Khushbu Tekariwal -
Maryam Rahnemun commented
I think your garbage collection or storage recovery routine in the DC version is failing. Failure happens based on the number of pages it runs against in each pdf files... I mean it may process say 500 files if each pdf it processes is 1-2 pages, while it may fail if each pdf file it processes is more than 20-30 pages, in that case it may fail after processing say less than 100 pdf files.