IT Mike commented
I was able to fix this error by going to Edit>Preferences and turning off protected view and checking "Automatically trust documents with valid certificates"
Jim Marrone commented
I did a Google search on just "A number is out of range", and found the following solution at https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/a-number-is-out-of-range-error-viewing-pdf-deleting-pages.html .
Save the PDF as a Postscript [.ps] file USING A DIFFERENT FILENAME.
Open this .ps file with Acrobat Distiller, which automatically creates a (new) PDF (.pdf) with the new name.
The problem you may have is if you can't save the file to a Postscript [.ps] file and you don't have Acrobat Distiller to open the ps file to create the new PDF.
Really, Adobe should fix this problem . . . which maybe they have in the subscription-based Acrobat -- I'm still using an old standalone Adobe Acrobat Pro on a Mac.
Note: My original PDF had no security options set. It did, however, have fillable fields, which were maintained WITH MY FILLED IN VALUES after the above process!
elizabeth mathew commented
Is the issue because the pdf file is in protected view? We have the same issue only with some PDF files send from a particular organization.
dt commented
Saved a document from courts.ca/gov and same issue. Driving me CRAZY! was able to enter a bunch of data and save the form once. Then went back to add in text to a few fields and now cannot save and get this error. These docs have a million fields and has now already wasted an hour and looks like I'll have to retype the entire thing! how to fix?
f commented
Same issue, i have edited a pdf file and now cannot save it. The fonts were the same. the underlying file is corrupted
Lex commented
I got this error after this: I created a pdf of a simple Excel file and sent it to a client. They added some signatures and sent it back. Now I can't save the version they sent back..
Chris Powell commented
I have to submit a departmental registration form at The University Of Florida every semester. I always have the same bug! Immediately before I even edit it, I try and save it and I get the error message: "The document could not be saved. A number is out of range".
Andrea McKoy commented
This problem has started occuring for me on extracted files only. I extract a few pages to convert to png but it won't export and save the image file because the number is out of range. Ridiculous because I don't even care about the page number for an image.
Anonymous commented
I compile medical reports on an editable UK Ministry of Justice pdf form, using the latest version of Reader DC.
It has always been easy to edit and save until yesterday.
I now cannot save any edited file.
Usually, the font gets smaller as thge text boxes are filled but this is not happening.
I have looked at a number of suggested fixes from other threads but none work.Any solution?
Anonymous commented
Having this same issue with a supervision form that I need signed. I can't submit my to packet to the board without this signature. Has anyone found a fix?
e commented
The document could not be saved. A number is out of range.
Help? How can i save the changed pdf document?
Steve C commented
having same problem with form 433a from IRS... Adobe needs to clear this up with IRS forms.
Anonymous commented
Same error when adding signature to IRS 1040 form. I can't save it and I don't have ink in my printer.
MR Jackson commented
I see no problem but get error "The document could not be saved. A number is out of range." There is no identification of the bug. Why is there a wall between me and saving my tax form? I see no number out of range and want to save it even if there is!!!
Ravi Gupta commented
Hi Bill,
Sorry to hear that you faced issue with our product.
Can you please let me know is there a specific field in the form after filling which you started observing this error ?Thanks,
-Ravi Gupta -
Anonymous commented
Cannot complete IRS 990EZ or IRS W4 without getting this error!!
Really Adobe!!
Bill Major commented
Getting this error with IRS Form 1040 (2018 taxes)
Anonymous commented
Just got this message. Tried saving several times under "save" and "save as" using different names. Would not let me save. I finally printed and scanned the document. Time costly.