Eliminate Startup Login Lag
I have a monthly subscription for Acrobat Professional several of my computers at my business. I have the creative cloud software installed on my system and ir is open and running. Whenever I launch a pdf document when Acrobat is closed, the program opens then freezes for 15 seconds or so while I think the stupid thing is retrieving my subscription for the 1000th today. I don't care about your piracy concerns. I do care that you are wasting my time multiple times per day by having your program freeze for a ******** reason. You should make the program operate independently from checking my subscription...

Adminahusain (Software Engineer, Adobe) commented
Thanks for reporting the issue. In order to investigate the issue further can you pls. provide us with some logs from your system.
Following are the steps to generate the procmon logs:
1) Download Procmon from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon
2) Launch procmon.exe.
3) Set the filter to Acrobat.exe and AcroRd32.exe
Goto Filter -> Filter,
Select Process Name -> is -> Acrobat.exe and click Add
Select Process Name -> is -> AcroRd32.exe and click Add
https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A65d9c84e-58a1-442b-a4ed-29bf56d62e6a3) Now launch acrobat and wait for it to become responsive again.
4) Goto procmon and click File -> save and send the saved pml file.
These logs will help us a lot in investigating the issue.