Set a default order for when combining files
Rather than re-ordering and re-arranging pdfs within a combined file, I would like to be able to determine the order files are compiled. This can be by file title (alphabetically) or others. Right now when I combine several files into one pdf, they are scrambled out of order and I have to rearrange manually which can be cumbersome for larger compilations.

Thanks for your feature request. We have added it in our backlog which will be prioritized based on other items. We will keep you posted with the progress.
Patricia Vrooman commented
2022, still an issue?! When files are already open (combine open files) in Tabs, reading order left to right. They should be combined in the same order.
D Pagov commented
Why aren't the files automatically in the same order as the folder from which there being selected? Or even alphabetical order!?
Peter Murray commented
It does the same thing when opening files as when combining them. My files are named with a number as the first character of the file name, and that is the order I want to see them in. They open in a random order, then I rearrange the tabs to the order I want them in, then I hit the "Combine Files" button, and they wind up in a completely different, completely random order. Why is this so difficult for Acrobat? More importantly, why hasn't this been fixed after more than two years?
Beth commented
It's August 2020 and I still see this is an issue.
A work around is to go into organized pages, then add files, and then select at end.
If you use the combine files function, it's just going to scramble them. Ugh
Tesla Track commented
Seriously. Why do I have to spend so much time organizing files?!!!
It's insane. I have 14 files literally named in sequential order (e.g. file 1, file 2, file 3 etc.) I want to combine into one .pdf. Combine files, puts them in 14, 6, 3, 8,1 ...
Bill Miller commented
This would be incredibly helpful. Hopefully there'll be an update soon. The folders our pdfs are in are alphabetical, but the pdfs not. We need the pdfs in the order their folders are in. And when dealing with 50 pdfs at a time every month, having to manually sort them one at a time is impractical. I don't understand why this isn't a higher priority.
J commented
Great Idea. Also need to Extract Multiple pages from Binder/Document with out doing multiple continuous blocks of pages.
Anonymous commented
Bernard, I ran the patch to update the new version, and I was able to drag and drop and they did not open. try running update
Bernard Hardgrave commented
Also, when dragging .pdfs to the combining screen it opens them instead of simply placing them - it is a huge painpoint for my needs
How would you like the feature to work? When selecting multiple pdf's to combine I'd like adobe to arrange them in order of selection (Based on which item was selected first). Nitro PDF does that.
Why is this feature important to you? It saves time when you extract pages from emails and you select each in an order you want them to be combined. Otherwise you end up dragging each selection to arrange while creating the binder.