Accessibility Problems with Images/Figures
I have a Microsoft Word file that has a number of images. I need to make an accessible PDF. I have entered alternate text for each image in MS Word. When I convert the Word file to PDF, the alternate text I had entered in MS Word is carried over to the PDF, which is what I want. The problem is that it puts all images/figures at the beginning of the tag tree no matter where the image comes in the document. When I look at the Reading Order for each page, it puts all images as the last item to be read on the page, even if the image is at the beginning or middle of the page.
If I use the Autotag Document function to re-tag the file, it puts everything in the correct order but the alternate text entries for every image has been stripped out.

I have reported the issue to the Engineering Team and you may see it fixed in future releases.
Iris Uresti commented
It appears this issue has not been corrected, I'm still having this problem.
John Olszewski commented
I'm sorry. I don't know which version of Word and Acrobat you're using. But with my versions, the "Enable Accessibility" function is not putting images in the correct reading order. It consistently places them as the last items to be read on each page. I'm using Word version 14.0.7232.5000 (32-bit) and Acrobat Pro DC version 2019.012.20035. My operating system is Windows 7.
Attached is my Word file. I entered the content (text and images) in the exact order you see them displayed.
In Word I clicked on the Acrobat menu and chose "Preferences". In the Settings tab, I made sure there was a checkmark in the the box for "Enable Accessibility and Reflow with tagged Adobe PDF".
Then I clicked "Create PDF" to create the PDF. Attached is the PDF that was created. When I open the Accessibility tool and click on "Reading Order", it shows me the reading order of each item on each page. The figures are always the last item in the reading order even though they were not entered last.
John Olszewski commented
I think I see the problem. When I converted the Word file to PDF, I had a checkmark in the setting called "Enable Accessibility and Reflow with tagged Adobe PDF". When I used that setting, the PDF was already tagged but with the tags for the figures out of order.
If I turned off that setting by unchecking the box for "Enable Accessibility and Reflow with tagged Adobe PDF", the PDF would be untagged. Then when I used the Autotag Document function, the PDF would be tagged and the tags would be in the proper order.
So it looks like the problem is with the way Acrobat tags figures when you're tagging the PDF by turning on the :Enable Accessibility…" setting.
Another problem I found is that when you use the Autotag Document function, Acrobat loses the Alternate Text entries for each figure/image.
John Olszewski commented
Here are the MS Word and PDF files that demonstrate this issue. But keep in mind that it happens with every document of mine that contains images.