Option to change signature color in Fill & Sign feature of Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017.
We are using Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017. Our management uses Fill & Sign feature frequently for signing various documents.The default color of signature is black and Acrobat Pro 2017 does not allow to change the color of drawn signature. We would request to please introduce this feature in Acrobat Pro 2017 as is available in Adobe Acrobat DC,

Thanks for providing your feedback. We have shared this with the engineering team and will let you know in case of any updates.
Haifa commented
when I share the pdf , my signature turns black colored
I am using adobe fill & sign in Iphone 11 -
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem. Until recently 'fill and sign' worked perfectly but now both text fill and signatures are coming up in white font. I've tried on different files, resaving under a different file name, and printing to a new .pdf and come up against the same problem every time!
Anonymous commented
I have tried filling a document but the textbox is shows white text.