Bug (Accessibility): Link and bullet issues after export from InDesign
I'm having an accessibility issue that may be a bug with Acrobat or InDesign, or a combination of both. I have a single page of show notes for a podcast. Paragraph styles are used, export tagging is set, and order is laid out in the articles pannel. Upon export and listening with the NVDA screen reader, the reading order is correct, but the bulleted list of links is just read as "bullet, bullet, bullet, etc." without the accompanying text, and the links are skipped. You can tab through the links, but instead of identifying the object as a link, and then giving the accompanying hyperlinked text, with each tab you just get, "link, link, link, link." I can post this in the InDesign uservoice as well, but I thought I'd start here. I experimented with a blank document in ID, and just created a bit of text and a hyperlink. Same issue. I have attached the exported PDF.

I checked the issue reported by you. I would like to inform you that the bullets and the links tags are not tagged properly as can be seen in Tags panel in Acrobat.
Please report this issue to Indesign.
Eric Hilliard commented
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