Blinking Forms
Form endlessly blinks, the text does not show properly as you are typing, very slow if you try to suffer through and use it anyway (color wheel appears after a few clicks). This is only an issue on my new MacBook Pro (M1 with Big Sur). My 2015 iMac with Catalina does not have the same issue.

Hi, This issue has been escalated. Currently engineering team is working on the fix. Please expect the fix soon.
James Riddles commented
This is a horrible user experience. Adobe Acrobat has been a thing for some time and the idea that you can't fix this issue is pretty disturbing given the amount of money that your users pay you to rent the software.
Fix this!
Nathan Young commented
Is there a fix for this yet? I still have the blinking none stop on all fill-able forms!
Matt commented
You guys all have awesome computers. I'm totally jealous. 😍
Richard Brightwell commented
August 21, 2022 and STILL broken.
Bob commented
Any update on this "Soon" fix? Still experiencing this issue on all intel Mac's in our company.
wsandman commented
Issue still occurring on my 2019 MacBook Pro. It's running with an intel chip, and so it doesn't have the preference option to "enable to native OS mode" like the M1 macs.
Ana María García Muñoz commented
I know how to fix it. On Adobe go to preferences, then general. Then at the bottom click on the “enable native OS mode for optimal performance”.
That fixed my flickering!! -
Ashley Chymiy commented
Last update was in January, it's now May... any updates?
KTG commented
This is yet another "feature" that makes creating accessible PDFs on a Mac horrid.
Elise Bush commented
Now it's May 3, and Acrobat forms are still blinking. The Page Display / Resolution settings did not make a difference. It's impossible to create forms, and I have a project with a deadline -- as I am sure thousands of other Acrobat subscribers have.
MacOS Big Sur 11.6.1, Retina 4k, 21.5-inch, Radeon Pro 555x 2GB graphics
Mike Escoffery commented
Just adding that for me this BLINKING is related to, and in sync with, the blinking cursor. When the cursor is in a field, it blinks while the user is typing, the same way the cursor blinks in Word, or email, or any other text entry app. As the cursor blinks, ALL of the radio buttons and other interactive fields blink with it. This is excruciating.
Danijela Milovanovic commented
@Scott Gurley, I tried that as well but it didn't work.
Thanks for trying but :) -
Scott Gurley commented
By the way, the way to bypass the problem is
Preferences >> Page Display >> Resolution and put it on "Use System Setting" - makes your PDFs look like **** on screen but they don't flash. -
Scott Gurley commented
Same problem here. Illustrator 100% failed on my M1 mac - I've moved away from Adobe on so many softwares (no photoshop, no illustrator anymore for me) and I'd find another PDF program but the advanced form calculations I need to do don't work in any other editors so I'm forced to use the company that invented the PDF - the company you think would be best at this stuff. But no... can't even make text appear without flashing. Pathetic.
Danijela Milovanovic commented
This is ridiculous, we are all having the same issue and nothing is being done to fix it. Admin wrote a post in January that it was being fixed and till today still nothing.
Will anyone from admin actually address this?????? -
Landon commented
Same issue for me. Please fix soon.
13-inch, M1, 2020
macOS Monterey 12.2.1
Acrobat Pro DC v2121.011.20039 -
Jason Gent commented
Just applied Bills' workaround by checking the box for native OS and it did the trick.
bill commented
As a workaround, checking the box for native OS mode seems to have fixed the issue for me. I am using Monterey on both an M1 and an M1 Max.
Alex Green IV commented
This issue was "escalated" on January 28, 2022 yet I don't see a fix as of today, which is March 14, 2022...unless I am looking in the wrong place. I would like for an Adobe Quality Assurance Engineer to please respond.
Update: I got a response from someone named Bill to change to native OS mode but I don't know where this option is located.
Valérie Laporte commented
Same thing whit radio button