Need both Pro & Reader on same PC so my wife & I can digitally sign documents with our own Adobe IDs
I'm a home user on Windows 11 and have Adobe Acrobat PRO. My wife and I both share the same desktop computer and use Acrobat to digitally sign documents. In order for this to work, we have our own Adobe IDs and in the past I used to sign in to my PRO and she signed in on the Reader. But now since I can't install both, I've been forced to install the older Reader 11 to use for my wife to sign documents, but the signature can only be stored locally because Reader 11 doesn't support Adobe ID sign in. She can't digitally sign documents with my PRO version because, of course, her ID doesn't have the PRO license and it forces the application to close. I'm furious about this and considering switching to an alternate PDF program! You must fix this and allow both Pro and regular reader to be installed on the same computer!