New User Interface
I installed the new Acrobat Pro. The interface was brand new. It looked nice but nothing was working. Under file I had the option to revert back to the older style. All the bugs persisted. I did a repair and now everything seems to work. But I would like to go back to the new interface but I don't see an option for it??

AdminAshish Rawat (Adobe) (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Travis,
I looked at your registry file. I could not find anything in the registry that could prevent the Enable new Acrobat option from appearing in the View menu. There are other scenarios which are not captured in registry - Are you running Acrobat in AppV or Citrix environment or doing Remote desktop session? What is the language of the Acrobat, English or some other variant of English?
Also, please update the Acrobat to the latest version as we have also made some changes in this area. Latest version is 23.006.20360 (Optional update, Oct 17, 2023)
Travis Johnson commented
Sure thing, see attached. Changed it from a reg file to a txt file as it was not loading in this forum. You will have to change back.
Adminisverma (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Travis Johnson,
Can you please help us with some more information to help resolves this issue
Please share the dump registry hive from your system.
1. For Windows - You can get that from Registry editor and go to path - Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC. Right click export and share the reg file with me.
2. For Mac, you need to share the file - ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro.plistRegards,
Ishita -
Travis Johnson commented
Acrobat works, but I never got the option to go to a new interface. So still on the old one.
Sujata commented
@Travis Johnson Is the issue resolved for you ?
Travis Johnson commented
See Attached Build Info
Sujata commented
@Travis Johnson Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Could you please share your build information ?
Steps :- Open application -> Navigate to Help -> About acrobat
Please note down the build information or share screenshot.Regards,