CRITICAL BUG: Link Alternative text and Content keys (07_05_23)
Running Acrobat 2023.003.20215 under Windows 10. I'm finding that in existing documents with Alternate Description for Links (see TagProperties1.jpg), if I run the Preflight to Set Content keys of Link Annotations this autopopulates the Alternate Description for Links with the content of the Link tag (see TagProperties2.jpg). However, the alternative text is still there and visible in the Tag Element (see Tag_Element.jpg). The full alternative text is read by Assistive Technology (in this case, "Superscript 6. Links to Cardiac Rehabilitation to Support Recovery From Cardiac Events reference item 6." The shortened version "6" is not read even though it is displayed in the Alternate Description for Links box.
Is this the way this is supposed to work? It seems awkward to have to open the Tag_Element to see if the alt text is correct and will be read by the screen reader.
Thanks for your attention to this question.