"Create PDF from Web Page" is broken, please fix!!
The File>Create PDF from Web Page feature is mostly broken. It's been getting worse the last few years. Today I got annoyed enough to file this bug.
This feature used to work REALLY well! I loved it! I used at least daily to test broken links in web help and other web pages. Plus, it was great for doing quick-and-dirty research--it could spider down a level or two and you could click a link in a PDF created using this method and add on new pages as you researched a topic and went in different directions (that part may still work, I don't know). Useful, keyword searchable, highlightable, shared commenting-able PDF files!
I specifically told it to create a PDF from the WCAG web page, one level only. It returned 22 odd-looking pages, and kind of captured part of what I saw onscreen. No real bookmarks (two for page 1).
I tried getting a usable PDF again with CTRL+P in Chrome using the Acrobat add-on and then Saving As PDF. That resulted in zero bookmarks and the attached 77-page PDF. A bit more representative of what I see onscreen, but still a long way to go.
Both methods look very different from the actual page (see the screenshot of a "typical" part of that same web page).
Please fix the Create PDF from Web Page Feature!