Different bugs to fix
Acrobat crash when I open a normalized PDF (caused by the page thumbnails panel automatically opened for normalized PDF, possible for you to fix this issue? This problem wastes an awful lot of our time.
In the same style: Opening a Pitstop report when another PDF a normalized PDF is already opened, result almost time to a crash.
Guides from rulers are not visible when you add them; you can't see them when you move them, and the same applies to Pitstop's Design and Layout guides.
When you modify a mask or a shape, when the "Output Preview" window is open, it changes the format of the shape opposite to where you're changing it, which is very risky, as you can't see that it's moving when zoomed in.
With the last update 2023.008.20555, PDF crash at the opening of complex files, the window flashes like disco ball.

L F commented
It's very frustrating Acrobat crash almost every time when I open a PDF when a normalized PDF is already open, I know it's the less of your problem, but I dream now that my boss find an alternative to Acrobat Pro DC. Nothing forbids dreams, does it?