318 results found
How is it possible that cropping a pdf is a complete ******* mystery? Should be:
1. Mark area
2. Click Crop
3. Done
Now it is
1. Click crop
2. Mark area
3. Click, nothing happens
4. Realize you should have double-clicked, WTF?
5. Start over, double-click
6. Get mysterious dialogue
7. Press OK
8. ???? nothing happened?2 votes -
scan and text recognition
The scanning feature and text recognition has become very faulty recently and can't even detect text on a document that has been converted from Word. This means that it is impossible to search certain words using ctrl+F and when trying to highlight a specific word or line it just highlights half of the page. Please could this issue be looked into as this function used to work fine.
2 votes -
Bug: Deletion overrules download in scan-folder
When I've started a bulk download in Adobe Acrobat Scan-folder and choose the same files for deletion, but the binder.zip was not yet completed all files are gone.
They should be at least in the document cloud trash bin to restore them after deletion anyway.
1 vote -
Page orientation changes automatically on some pages when we perform OCR in Adobe 2023 in some cases. The page orientation of each page must be the same as the original file.
1 vote -
Enhance Camera Image Fails in new UX
After the latest update I am unable to use the Enhance Camera Image option when performing OCR. I am given the handles to select the border area of the document, but the popup window with the "Enhance" button does not appear, leaving me unable to continue.
5 votes -
mostra interfaccia utente dello scanner
Buongiorno, vorrei sapere come mai in Adobe Acrobat Pro quando si acquisisce una pagina mettere il segno di spunta su "mostra interfaccia utente dello scanner"; azione che permetterebbe di ritagliare solo la parte del documento che si vuole effettivamente acquisire. Grazie
Hello, I would like to know why in Adobe Acrobat Pro when scanning a page put the check mark on "show scanner user interface"; an action that would allow you to crop only the part of the document that you actually want to scan. Thank you2 votes -
Werkzeug: Scan & OCR - Dateinamen vergeben
Leider kann man nur einen Dateinamen vergeben, wenn man das gescannte Dokument abspeichert.
Möchte man das Dokument nach dem Scannen direkt per Email versenden, so wird der Dateiname lediglich als "Unbenannt" gekennzeichnet.
Insofern wäre es hilfreich, wenn man vor dem Scannen bereits einen Dateinamen vergeben könnte.
2 votes -
AI text suggestions / text uniformity
The text recognition has not improved in decades, and the OCR has never been able to make the text represent in a way that is easy to work with, making dozens of microadjustments on a single line, so that editing a scanned doc becomes a useless idea. Maybe provide better suggestions about what the intent of the page was supposed to be resulting in smaller files? How hard can it be to turn an image of a table into a dataframe anyway????
2 votes -
Bug report: Toolbar emtpy
If I select any tool in the most recent version, the sidebar turns black/white but is otherwise empty. OCR and editing of a document are therefore impossible.
3 votes -
scan & OCR
No matter is a scanned copy pdf from printer, or a word converted pdf doc, both I tried to use the scan & OCR, but some of the words still "not searchable", how to solve this problem? It's pretty annoying, thanks.
2 votes -
OCR Fraktur and Gothic Font Recognition
OCR is terrible at recognizing non-Roman fonts, such as Gothic or Fraktur fonts. I anticipate the same is true for older cursive fonts like Kurrentschrift. Given other organizations' capabilities to conduct OCR on these fonts, particularly at BSB-München, this should be patched in by the development team so that Fraktur fonts can be read by Adobe OCR. This would vastly increase the accessibility of these texts, to the point even of allowing people unfamiliar with the original language to put it through translation engines for a working understanding of what the text is saying. If anyone has a workaround for…
2 votes -
Optimizing PDF - Software Constantly Crashing
Optimizing a large scanned document results in the software repeatedly crashing. This is a basic function. How can you justify charging a monthly fee for software that cannot perform the basic tasks it warrants it can perform?
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Recognition of Indian Language OCR
The idea is not new, but the gravity is certainly very heavy.
Acrobat being so popular, wonder how its OCR is so inferior that it cannot recognise any of the Indian Languages?
It's even more intriguing when many free softwares like tesseract and professional software like Google Vision can do with ease. These software do their job for years now.
Wonder what's holding Acrobat and Adobe back in catching up with them.
3 votes -
Save template of "crop area" to convert similar unique PDF files to Excel
I have a number of PDF files that are in the same format but might change in length and page number. In converting these from PDF to Excel, I use the "crop area" function.
I would like to see a capability that allows me to save a specific set of crop areas as a template, so that when I have one of my similar, but unique PDF files, I can apply that template and it applies the specific preset crop area to the new PDF upload.
Ideally, this feature would allow for 3 basic crop areas to be saved. First…
2 votes -
An error was encountered while opening page 0. Aborting optimization on subsequent pages
This error occurs when we try to perform OCR on PDF in Japanese!
2 votes -
Multi-thread processor support for OCR processing.
Please re-code Adobe Acrobat to allow for multi-thread processing of OCR documents.
2 votes -
ocr multi
While doing OCR in one document, i would like to read another open pdf. Instead the program is fully locked in OCR for that pdf, and can't do additional task's. Some kind of multithreads function should been enabled/created for this, thanks.
3 votes -
Random, Consecutive Crashes of Adobe Acrobat Professional
I'm using a HP Smart Tank 7301 with HP laptop using the Windows 10 operating system. My Adobe Acrobat Professional version is 2024.002.20991. All security patches and updates have been installed, however, this random, sometimes consecutive software crash continues to happen consistently. This post is October 2018, so engineers have not addressed this for the past (6) years. Does this mean Adobe has placed critical customer concerns on the backburner?
2 votes -
OCR Fehlerbehaftet
Die automatische OCR nervt mich bis zur Weißglut. Ich muss Vordrucke ausfüllen, und ewig wird diese Erkennung ausgeführt, die einfache Kästchen für ein einsetzbares Kreuz als großes D erkennen. Was soll diese gequirlte Scheiße? Wo ist der althergebrachte Schreibmaschinenmodus? Ihr macht euer Acrobat schon fast unbedienbar.
2 votes -
OCR currently does not work for full colour backgrounds with white text. Adobe remote support confirmed this does not work.
OCR feature currently does not work for full-colour backgrounds with white text. Adobe remote tech support confirmed this does not work. Is this able to be fixed? Recognize white text on colour background. Thank you
2 votes
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