Digital Signature from Page Template
When a page is spawned from a page template that contains a digital signature, the digital signature field does not retain the set "signed" action. (I.E. mark field as read only: all fields), or a script to be executed.
Anonymous commented
I have documents that have signatures on the bottom on each page that I want to combine. It first says that there is trouble verifying the signatures as the signatures are not done with a PDF signature but another form of electronic signature. Then when trying to combine the files it erases all signatures which nullifies my document and the purpose of my presentation.
Jonathon White commented
Say for instance you have a document that has 2 or 3 pages that is shown by default and the last page contains a button for adding either a page for printing and signing or a page that includes a signature block for signing with a certificate (both from a page template). If you set up the digital signature block on the page template to mark all fields in the document read only, those settings are not retained whenever the page is created. So whenever the page is added and the document is signed the fields are not marked as read only.
Admincdas (Admin, Adobe) commented
Dear user,
Thank you for reporting the issue.
Please can you elaborate the steps.