Loupe Window Persistence
I use the loupe tool very frequently, and I would like to have the software remember the size/location/magnification of the last usage for the loupe window, even after completely exiting the program and starting a new session. It is irritating to be forced to resize and relocate this window every time I wish to use the loupe tool (the magnification does persist).
If I keep at least one PDF file open, then the size/location of the window is remembered. However, once I close Acrobat Pro DC completely, the loupe window reverts to its default size/location.
(Although I cannot prove it, I think this behavior changed with the 4/11/17 update. The first time I used the loupe tool after that update, I noticed that I needed to resize/relocate the window. I don't recall needing to do that before this update!)

We released an update for Adobe Acrobat DC that fixes this concern. This update will be automatically applied to all Acrobat and Reader users in the coming days. You may also update to the latest release by opening the application and going to Help > Check for Updates.
You can also drop an Email to me at ajain@adobe.com to let me know further in this. Thanks.
-Ayush Jain
Paramjeet Yadav commented
Hi Tadd Dieringer,
Really sorry for the issue you're facing. We've reported this issue to our engineering team. We might consider fixing this in our future releases.
Thanks for reporting.Regards,
Paramjeet Yadav
Acrobat Team