Save/Save new PDF not working
Save. 'Save as'. CMD + S. It doesn't matter how I attempt, I cannot save regular PDFs from inside Acrobat. I have to create an 'optimized PDF' in order to save any of my work inside of Acrobat. I have been loving the functionality of the new Acrobat, but now I can't even save. Very frustrating.

Tony W commented
Why is this now 2024 and I am having the same problem that occurring in 2017? Please just create a Save As button,...
Anonymous commented
I cannot save files after acrobat updates. If this problem has been under review since January 4, 2018, why hasn't it been resolved?
Elizabeth Whitmire commented
Girija Agarwala that actually worked for me - thanks :)
Anonymous commented
I cannot save or save as PDF for the past 2 days. Just an empty square box comes up with PFS and nothing happens
Anonymous commented
Same problem. Click File, Save as, window/box opens and never populates. Therefore I have no option to save the document that I updated.
Anonymous commented
I had the same problem...tried to "Save As," and nothing happened. Just a blank "Save As" screen. I employed the suggested remedy and viola! It worked. Thanks!
joe commented
The suggestion by the Admin does not work
Anonymous commented
Same problem here. Acrobat got stuck so I had to close it. Wheneber I tried to save my file it would say "An error has occurred" After a day without a reply from the "Adobe Team" I had to finally close the program and now it won´t let me open the file. Thanks a lot Adobe.
Joseph Zdanowski commented
I was able to save to the cloud but not to my hard drive, I don't like that at all
AdminGirija Agarwala (Admin, Adobe) commented
We apologize for the issue you are facing.
Could you please try changing the preferences for online storage.
To do the same, follow the steps below:
1. Press “Cmd+K”(MAC) / "Ctrl+K" (WIN) to launch the preferences dialog
2. Go to the “General” section
3. Uncheck “Show Online storage when saving files”
4. Press OkNow try performing your workflow.
Let us know if you still get across any issues. -
Anonymous commented
same problem here