more than 2 signature / initial options for fill & sign tool
Only 2 signature / initial images can be stored currently. Every time I want another signature I have to swap out an existing image for one from my files. It would be hugely beneficial to be able to maintain a much larger selection of stored signatures / initials for completing documents for multiple members of the household.

SL Collins commented
2024 and still nothing.
Hey Adobe - When I asked a chat agent about this today, they told me to download & use the 32-bit version of Acrobat because it allowed more than 2 signatures. Is this really the only solution that Adobe can provide?
Meanwhile, will check into UPDF and other options that are less expensive and may be more useful.
Philip Argy commented
Come on Adobe - how hard is it to allow people to have multiple signatures for different purposes? A limit of two is way TOO restrictive! Maybe NitroSign is the only solution as it offers unlimited signatures!
Theresa Marino commented
A really good workaround, until Adobe addresses this issue, was posted by Alexander Brusilovsky on September 6, 2022. It takes some editing of the signature images, they must be png files, but it works! Thanks, Alexander!
Here is his comment: Use the "Stamps" from the "Comments" tool. Add a custom stamp to create a 2nd or 3d, +, signature if you need and follow the instructions. You need to size your signature when inserting or size it in prior to importing it to Stamps. The file must be in png, with no background (transparent) format. (basically the same as the "add sign" with a bit more effort)
Ella Mitchell commented
This is still an issue for me regularly. I use the initials space as a second signature in Acrobat, which is somewhat helpful, but that messes up My initials when someone sends me something in Adobe Sign. A solution for this would be very welcome!
PPN Steve commented
STILL looking for this feature to be added.
Why is this limitation, and why to 2 signatures? And why has this request been ignored since 2017??
Its not like coding this would be rocket surgery.. -
Umer commented
This is an absolutely critical feature which should be made available asap...
Anonymous commented
Alexander, this is so awesome, thank you!
Alexander Brusilovsky commented
Use the "Stamps" from the "Comments" tool. Add a custom stamp to create a 2nd or 3d, +, signature if you need and follow the instructions. You need to size your signature when inserting or size it in prior to importing it to Stamps. The file must be in png, with no background (transparent) format. (basically the same as the "add sign" with a bit more effort)
Edouard commented
I lost a lot of time trying to research how to do it and am appalled that there is no way to save more than one signature and one set of initials in a so called professional software. I guess I have to start searching for an alternative.
Amit Ganguli commented
There are only 2 options for fill and sign: signature and initials. I manage the affairs of several of my older relatives, my spouse, businesses etc. I need to have more than 2 such options. I was hoping the paid version would, but it does not! Which is most unfortunate!
John Park commented
I show support.
Chawki Chahed commented
I just do not understand it takes 4 years for a very simple option.
My ttip: I add the second signature as an image from the Editing tool... Stupid, loss of time, but at least it helps...
RSSI NGO commented
Any update on this? This would be extremely helpful.
HS Media Studio Production commented
You think they care? The only thing that can make them care is if the money stopped flowing into their pockets.
Anonymous commented
I've made a screenshot of this... User Voice. Your Input. 164 votes. Under review (since 5th Jan 2018). What do you think will happen if it goes on social media #adobe? :D
Anonymous commented
Being able to have more than two signatures would be a great feature. (Adobe Acrobat is expensive software. It should be more user-friendly.)
HS Media Studio Production commented
It's "UNDER REVIEW", which means Adobe did the most they are willing to: they marked it as being reviewed and forgot about it. That's how they operate, judging by all the other topic in this farce they call "UserVoice".
Anonymous commented
Hi, may I know the "outcome" of the review to my request initiated on the 5th of January 2018? It's been "a while"... I think the request has warranted a decent address with the number of votes and comments!
Heleva Bacchus commented
I agree. This would be extremely helpful.
Anonymous commented
I also agree this would be beneficial.