Document Properties - Fonts (Sizes)
Under the File Menu: Properties (Document Properties), Fonts tab, all of the current document fonts are listed. Can you add the range of font sizes within each of Fonts?
For example:
Ariel (Embedded Subset)
Type: TrueType
Encoding: Ansi
Sizes: 10-14.
When reviewing PDF document for FDA Regulatory compliance, this feature can greatly reduce the time to audit a .pdf file, rather than a visual/manual inspection of the font sizes within the document. Using the font selection tool is outdated. Thanks!
Since we haven’t got any more supporters in this regard, We are closing this issue.
Please feel free to reach out to us for any other concerns if you have,
Ayush Jain
Thanks For sharing your concerns.
We will track this request and will wait for more users asking for the same ask before we have it implemented in the product.Thanks
Ayush Jain