Raise without a handler
Wow. I LOVE your products, but HOLY S&*T was it difficult to get to a point where I could actually "Contact" adobe. As a professional UX designer (sorry for how that must sound...) this UX is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable for a company of your prestige.
Here is my issue, I used to be able to drag .png files into Adobe Acrobat and the software would brilliantly ask me if I wanted to combine these pngs into a single file, "Why yes, Thats exactly what I want! Thank you."
This worked flawlessly for the last year. Now, out of nowhere, the program no longer does this. Now I get an error prompt of "RAISE without a handler", what ever the **** that means (to most users, its completely worthless feedback/messaging). There is no help on how to resolve the issue.
Posts on the internet are saying this is a bug Adobe has refused to acknowledge.
My questions are, What is the problem? What is the fix? And why the heck do you make it so difficult to contact the company and get answers to our questions?
Please, please, please, don't make me and co-workers abandon you and move to sketch for our design work because you refuse to help your customers.
Thank you,
James Hyland
UX Designer

Adobe Acrobat and Reader official update containing the fix for this issue is now available. This update will be automatically pushed to all existing installations of Acrobat and Reader. If you want, you may also manually trigger the update by opening the application and going to Help > Check for Updates.
For more information, please refer Release notes of the latest release.
Please try it out and let us know your feedback. Thanks for your patience and support!
Cheree Price commented
RAISE without handler and following pages or error message was not corrected with updating Apple Mac software or adobe acrobat pro 2020 update. Apple representative deleted adobe and not I cannot logon except with 7 day free trial.
Ken Winterberger commented
I am getting this message when I try to open a pdf with Acrobat. When I open the file in Illustrator I am told that "The document contains a PDF object that has been reinterpreted. An unknown imaging construct was encountered." I really have no idea what this means. When I open the file in Photoshop it opens as a grey-scale image - it is full color. I can open the PDF just fine in Apple Preview. The PDF was created by Microsoft PowerPoint.
Milaine commented
I'm getting this error too. My Acrobat Reader on my mac is up to date. I have no clue what to do or what it means. I can't find much info about it either.
Please help! I'm a student and need to hand in projects asap!
Anonymous commented
Nope, that's not a solution. My Acrobat Reader says it's up to date and it crashes with this error every time I try to paste text into a text box.
Randall Chase commented
I reinstalled and updated both my macs. One I can't even log into the Adobe system anymore and the other I'm still getting the "RAISE without a Handler" error... what does that mean?
Anonymous commented
Works for me, too!
liu jiang commented · November 05, 2019 05:10 · Flag as inappropriate
Shenghan‘s advice really helps! Thx so much! You can follow steps listed here https://superuser.com/questions/321597/how-to-disable-some-plugins-of-adobe-reader-x to delete "Accessibility.acroplugin". -
sssiax commented
I give up....
Mac user, no matter how many times I uninstall and reinstall Acrobat, the Raise Without Handler error just keeps happening on all my pdf files. It's annoying.. -
TAMMY commented
This worked for me also in Catalina
liu jiang commented · November 05, 2019 18:10 · Flag as inappropriate
Shenghan‘s advice really helps! Thx so much! You can follow steps listed here https://superuser.com/questions/321597/how-to-disable-some-plugins-of-adobe-reader-x to delete "Accessibility.acroplugin". -
liu jiang commented
Shenghan‘s advice really helps! Thx so much! You can follow steps listed here https://superuser.com/questions/321597/how-to-disable-some-plugins-of-adobe-reader-x to delete "Accessibility.acroplugin".
Spiros commented
Neither option, reinstalling or deleting the plugin, is working. Knowing what my place of work pays for the licensing, and seeing how little Adobe is working to resolve this is *absurd.*
Note: AI design files to .pdf seem to be the most consistent in this issue. Other files (scans, word to .pdf) seem to behave appropriately.
KC commented
how to delete: "Accessibility.acroplugin"
William commented
There was a RAISE without a handler. The application will now exit.
When I do a three finger tap on any text so I can get a word defined (this is on mac), the program has the above error. This error results with every doc I have on my computer. When I try to reopen acrobat, it asks me to restore. Restoring simply doesn't work, I can click on it but none of my precious work shows up. :(((
I'm on MacOS Catalina 10.15. -
William commented
There was a RAISE without a handler. The application will now exit.
When I do a three finger tap on any text so I can get a word defined (this is on mac), the program has the above error. This error results with every doc I have on my computer. When I try to reopen acrobat, it asks me to restore. Restoring simply doesn't work, I can click on it but none of my precious work shows up. :(((
I'm on MacOS Catalina 10.15. -
LM commented
Tried Shenghan's tip and it worked!
Mark commented
Accessibility.acroplugin might be the problem. -- Following Shenghan's advice. This works for my case. And I do had tried the reinstall...
Anonymous commented
Adobe worked fine until I upgraded to Catalina this week - now getting those RAISE without a handler errors. Very frustrating as others have stated as well. (1) tried installing the lastest version of Adobe reader from the web, did not solve issue. (2) tried uninstalling Adobe DC as suggested below even though there is no way to "undo" -- uninstaller aborted 3/4 way through with an unexpected error that closed before I could capture all the info other than it thinks user aborted and I never even touched the keyboard. Now what ????
Anonymous commented
Me too. Please resolve the bug as soon as possible because it is not convenient for many users ans I have to use Apple Preview.
Mac user -
JHI commented
This worked for me also in Catalina
Dean Pirera commented · February 20, 2019 01:33 · Flag as inappropriate
Had this issue on MacOS Mojave 10.14.3 also and resolved it as follows:
1. uninstalled Adobe Acrobat DC (using the uninstaller located in Applications/Adobe Acrobat DC/Acrobat Uninstaller
2. deleted the folder called Adobe PDF located in Library/Application Support/Adobe
3. reinstalled Adobe Acrobat DC
Issue resolved -
Jas commented
-> The Acrobat dot version you are using: 2019.021.20049 Acrobat Pro Dc
-> The OS platform you are on: macOS Catalina Version 10.15 (Acrobat worked fine on the Mojave platform for me)
-> Happens to me every file I openHELP.. Just tried to uninstall and install again on my mac and it shows install failed as below:
Payload: Adobe Acrobat DC 19.21.20048.0 Acrobat DC/Acrobat DC Installer.pkg_19.021.20048 -----------
ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.
ERROR: DW003: Third party payload installer /tmp/FFFAB0D8-EB46-436F-A5ED-7DCA812EB4D3/Acrobat_DC_Web_WWMUI/Acrobat DC/Acrobat DC Installer.pkg failed with exit code: 1what the hack is happening??
Kevin Chen commented
I, too, have been experiencing dozens of RAISE errors per day, starting on Friday, July 5, 2019. This happens both when attempting to open a simple, single PDF and when attempting to compile multiple PDFs into a single file. I am paying for Adobe Pro DC and expect it to work. Instead, I am having to use Apple Preview as a work-around. Please send clear instructions for a solution ASAP.
- Mac User x 2