Raise without a handler
Wow. I LOVE your products, but HOLY S&*T was it difficult to get to a point where I could actually "Contact" adobe. As a professional UX designer (sorry for how that must sound...) this UX is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable for a company of your prestige.
Here is my issue, I used to be able to drag .png files into Adobe Acrobat and the software would brilliantly ask me if I wanted to combine these pngs into a single file, "Why yes, Thats exactly what I want! Thank you."
This worked flawlessly for the last year. Now, out of nowhere, the program no longer does this. Now I get an error prompt of "RAISE without a handler", what ever the **** that means (to most users, its completely worthless feedback/messaging). There is no help on how to resolve the issue.
Posts on the internet are saying this is a bug Adobe has refused to acknowledge.
My questions are, What is the problem? What is the fix? And why the heck do you make it so difficult to contact the company and get answers to our questions?
Please, please, please, don't make me and co-workers abandon you and move to sketch for our design work because you refuse to help your customers.
Thank you,
James Hyland
UX Designer

Adobe Acrobat and Reader official update containing the fix for this issue is now available. This update will be automatically pushed to all existing installations of Acrobat and Reader. If you want, you may also manually trigger the update by opening the application and going to Help > Check for Updates.
For more information, please refer Release notes of the latest release.
Please try it out and let us know your feedback. Thanks for your patience and support!
Jessica commented
Same issue for me too. Even tried saving png's to jpg's which gave me a different error: The input file is corrupt or of an unknown/unsupported type.
- macOS Sierra 10.12.6
- Acrobat Pro DC version 2019.010.20069 -
Anonymous commented
Yup same issue with no solution - can't open any PDFs at all - grrrr
Chris commented
Same issue here Acrobat 2019.010.20069, Mac OSX Mojave, .jpg files generated by illustrator via save for web. This is slowing me down.
Anonymous commented
Hi there - I'm facing the same issue. Yesterday my reader was working normally but today it won't open a single PDF file (including the same files it was opening yesterday).
I'm using V 2019.008.20080
Tom commented
I am having the same problem! here was a RAISE without a handler. The application will now exit! I can not find how to fix this on a Mac! Please Help!
Leonardo commented
I am experiencing the same error message with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC version 2019.010.20064 on my macOS Mojave version 10.14.2 (18C54).
'There was a RAISE without a handler. The application will now exit' even when launching the application itself, without opening any file. -
Anonymous commented
I am experiencing same error message with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. 'There was a RAISE without a handler. The application will now exit' while I opened a download PDF
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem with: There was a RAISE without a handler. The application will now exit.
It happens when I try to open any pdf-file.
Please, help!
Thank you
/Alexandra -
Addam commented
Open Acrobat Pro.
Go to: File>Create>Combine files into single PDF...
Click: Add Files
Find and select all of your files.
Click: Add Files
Click: Combine
I added 16 .png files to the same PDF document using this method.
Hope it helps. -
AdminGirija Agarwala (Admin, Adobe) commented
We apologize for the issue you are facing.
However, if i understand correctly, i am able to convert 4-5 .png files to a pdf using drag and drop.
Could you please help me with the following information to get clarity on the workflow:-> The Acrobat dot version you are using
-> The OS platform you are on
-> The .png files that you are trying to convert (in case this is file specific)
-> A screenshot of the message that you are getting
-> Also, it would be great if you could specify from which build are you facing the break.Thanks for your patience and continued support to Acrobat.
Girija Agarwala
Software Engineer II
Adobe Acrobat -
Anonymous commented
I'm having the "There was a RAISE without a handler. The application will now exit." with MAC version: 10.13.3 Adobe Acrobat DC Build: 18.11.20035.264580 really really frustrating and doesn't happen to every file which is even more frustrating. Usually just happens when i try to open multiple files with Acrobat in one pdf. Any help?
brandi mitra commented
I am just running into the same issue—only I'm trying to merge jpgs into one document, a task I could do last week.
AdminGirija Agarwala (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hello James,
We apologize for the issue you are facing.
However, if i understand correctly, i am able to convert 4-5 .png files to a pdf using drag and drop.
Could you please help me with the following information to get clarity on the workflow:-> The Acrobat dot version you are using
-> The OS platform you are on
-> The .png files that you are trying to convert (in case this is file specific)
-> A screenshot of the message that you are getting
-> Also, it would be great if you could specify from which build are you facing the break.Thanks for your patience and continued support to Acrobat.
Girija Agarwala
Software Engineer II
Adobe Acrobat