Acrobat combine files + Batch compare pdf + Clarify array object error
If you want supporting screen shots or more detail, please contact me.
Jyotika at Acrobat Help has my eMail and tele#
Combine files into a Binder always FORCES the default to be filename sequence.
The User should NOT be forced to move HUNDREDS of files in a large document
just to get them in the proper sequence.Yes, there is the "Move Up/Down" option which works on each file ONE AT A TIME.
However, has anyone on the Acrobat team actually tried to do that to resequence
over 1,000 pages into an absolutely different non-alpha result??? THINK DAYS !!!!
- If the files are in different folders, it ignores the folder structure, even if
WINDOWS EXPLORER is sorted to list the files in folder/filename sequence
[See Example #1 at the end.]
* >>>>> Using different tools, I've finally been able to achieve the desired result!
I've combined over 1,000 pages coming from DIFFERENT folders
and subfolders so that the final Binder is true to actual file sequence in
each of the original folders (including their respective subfolders). <<<<<
- "Expected an array object" error when comparing 2 pdf's
- Indicate which page/pages has/have error
- It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to find the "cause(s) in a 3,000 page document
- Worst of all, the document seems to be correct during most steps.
During several steps, it can be searched and put into a binder.
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, this error occurs and all
subsequents tasks cannot be run!
- A compare of the document is NOT possible. See "Docu Processing"
>>>>>> I found this is the Acrobat archive:
value at index 0 must be an indirect object
"Closing this request, As there is no plan to fix this bugs in Acrobat XI."
>>>>>>>>> Another report says "This error unfortunately comes up for us a lot which I guess is to be somewhat expected when combining hundreds of PDFs from various sources. I'm assuming not every PDF generator follows exact PDF standards; iPhones, bank websites, 3rd party PDF printers, etc. However these PDFs were all combined with Acrobat Pro DC. Meaning that Acrobat Pro DC is not checking the PDFs or sanitising the data when they are imported! But that is another subject for another day...
The problem we have is that the error message(s) don't even tell us on which page it encountered the error. So we are left scratching out heads wondering which page or which part of the 10,000 page document has the problem. ...... Ok so hold on because this gets better... So to attempt to repair the document(s) we try and split them into smaller documents using Organise Pages > Split > say 100 pages or 1000 pages per "Part"
Then we get the error: "An incorrect structure was found in the PDF." "
- Compare numerous pdf's in batch-type logic and determine if they are identical. Better yet, simultaneously allow the User to place the identical ones. in the Recycle Bin.
- As verified by tech support, it is only possible to compare one
pdf with another. Because of the way Acrobat works, a minor
change not related to the content will never match as per any
and all of the available compare programs.
>>>>> For example, open MyTest.pdf. Save as 123.pdf and
save again as 456.pdf. Do NOT make any changes!
Looking at KB-size, the documents will seem identical,
but they will in fact differ by 1 to 3 bytes in size.
- Basically, because the filename is stored somewhere in the
document, the 3 pdf's will NEVER compare as "EQUAL", unless
they are reviewed in a tedious, manual, multi-step manner.
- Yes: Acrobat's Tools > Compare pdf#1 with pdf#2
will "reveal" that the content is identical.
- Now consider the nightmare of trying to "cull" old backups
or various attempts to "combine" ....... and you can see that
MONTHS would be required.
- I have purchased several compare packages. They work fine
on many file types, but they absolutely CANNOT handle
batch pdf compares!
- Think of charging
(just $25 for such a tool) x
(the millions of worldwide Acrobat Users) x
(only 20% purchased) =
LOTS AND LOTS of profit for Adobe !!!!!!!!!!!!
It seems that various financial institutions etc have
different ways of INTERNALLY storing the contents of
a pdf. Specifically, FONTS are not FONTS. That means
that documents when printed look 100% alike, but
when electronically compared, the FONTS and similar
information causes havoc.Adobe is the leader in pdf creation.
There is a need to batch compare or batch redact
without the nightmare of font-like hidden elements.Protection > Redaction could also be greatly improved
to make life easier for the user:Global redact in this document:
From "text 1234567" to "text 12...67"
From Medicare xxxx-xx-xxxxA to Medicare xxxx-xx-xxxx.
(Remove only the last letter of the longer text).
Example #1 (To achieve max chaos, use 50 folders each with 50 subfolders)
Folder 1 1
Folder 2 1
- Use Windows Explorer to search for *.pdf and sequence by folder.
- Windows properly lists 1-7-x-y-z followed by 1-9-a-b-c
- Block copy the above and right click in that sequece to "combine"
- No matter how hard you try, the Binder has 1-1-7-9-a-b-c-x-y-z
- Yes, it bunches the 1's !!!!!
- Repeat the test with 1,000 different filenames and sequence using MOVE UP .... and collapse from exhaustion!
This still does not work
"Compare Documents - Please add an option or setting to the compare document feature so that shifts in paragraphs of unchanged text are not marked as changes. ... Currently it shows as a text delete and then a text insert on the following page.Batch processing to Actions in Acrobat DC HOW?!?!?
Can you provide a "plain English" description on how to create a "batch processing" type Action that can be use on multiple files at once? I have hundreds of files that I need to set open options on and add specific bookmarks to. Trying to do this one at a time is NOT happening. Urgent please!If you check the internet, there are literally hundreds of people who really need these features.
As the market standard, Adobe would help it Users if these features were implemented.
PS Special thanks to Jyotika at Acrobat Help

Regrading your Batch Compare PDF query: Currently we don’t support batch comparison in Acrobat but this in our backlog. We’ll update youwhence it’ll get prioritized and impelemented at our end.
Adobe Acrobat DC Team