Acrobat DC (Pro and Strandard) crashes because of memory usage
When using large files, like the attached one, Acrobat crashes when it reaches a memory usage of more than aprox. 3.500 MB in Windows Task Manager.
I could reproduce the issue, just by opening the page miniatures and a little scolling. It happens on different computers with 8 or 16GB RAM installed and with different Acrobat versions (DC Standard, DC Pro, XI Standard)
The reason for the memory usage are probably the pictures in these files.

Thanks for reporting the crash. We are able to reproduce it with your files. We will work on a fix soon. Will let you know once available.
Chen Zaltsman commented
my acrobat updated 2-3 days ago and since then my computer keeps crashing and lagging because of the extensive memory usage which goes up to 63%. i dont know if it goes above 63% since i have to restart it every single time!
i need a fix or solution for the problem.since i see that you commented a few years back probably about previous versions, do you have any suggestion about what is can do about it?
Anonymous commented
Same problem here, almost two years later....
What is the solution?
Sandra Cunningham commented
Any resolution yet?
Sandra Cunningham commented
Please let me know soon as I have to have this in by Wednesday morning.
If I could at least get what I have typed already, I can go from there.Thank you for your support.
Mark commented
Any update on this issue? -
Chris commented
I have the same issue and if you cannot fix, we will have to remove acrobat and find another solution