Make sort by groups collapsed as the default behavior
When I sort comments: by type, author, color, page, etc, the groups are always fully open. If I'm sorting by a particular group, I want to target something within a group. If I have a lot of comments, they scroll past the end of the comment pane. So EVERY TIME, I have to collapse the groups. At the very least, make the name of the groups BOLD somehow, so that I can see which group it is more easily. Also, I miss the little twirl down triangle, That UI was more intuitive. I don't like the ellipses.
The suggested behaviour is already present in the application in some other form.
AdminAmmar (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi, thanks for the information.
You can always use "Collapse all" present under "Options" (Three dots) inside Comment app to collapse all the groups. You need not collapse every single group separately.