Second PDF document opens in window larger than screen
Since a few months ago, PDF documents are opening off screen - after the firs PDF is open. So the first PDF we open is in the expected place and size. The second PDF opens on the main screen at a size that cuts off the top of the window so you cannot just grab and move it. I've searched help pages for months, and all of them are geared toward the users working around this bug. We have been doing this, but it seems like a very fixable issue. Windows 10 Pro, Adobe Acrobat X
Thanks for reaching out to us for your concerns.
I would like to let you know that We no longer give active support for Adobe Acrobat X.I would like you to please give Adobe Acrobat DC a try and explore a pool of Good Features to work with PDF's
Here if from where you can give it a try : me know for any other assistance