More user friendly arrangement of Quick Tools area
I have just installed the latest "Acrobat Standard DC", and I'm disappointed to find that still the way in which you have to personalise the "Quick Tools" area is not user friendly.
Apart from having a mandatory set of icons on the left (I can't see an easy way of removing them), the way you have to add / remove icons is annoying - right-clicking on the quick tools bar then selecting or deselecting an item to have the menu disappear so you have to right-click and find the item again and again...! Then not being able to change the order of these is dysfunctional too.
Please improve the way the tools / toolbars can be personalised - I see many comments from other users around this.

Lawal commented
@Ayush Jain.
Thanks for your suggested 3 steps to setting up "customized quick tools list".
I followed your instructions. I was able to customize the toolbar. But, as soon as I click on an icon I dragged from the edit menu, my customized toolbar is replaced by Edit toobar. Similarly if I select an icon I dragged from the "Organize Pages" toolbar, e.g. extract button, my customized toolbar gets replaced by the "Organized Pages" toolbar with all the other buttons e.g. insert, extract, delete page etc. I am only interested in just one button out of the whole barrage!
Now another frustration is after I am done with the feature I need, I will have to click on my added customized toolbar icon before I can get it back. So, if I use tools from different toolsets 1000/day I will have to click on my customized toolbar button 1000 times!
Please, can Adobe make my Cutomized toolbar as the default that remains fixed in place, unless I want to change it. Otherwise, there is little use creating a customized toolbar that keeps on disappearing.
Thanks for your time -
Bill Krenza commented
Customizing the Quick Tools in easy enough however there is currently no way to export the Quick Tools toolbar so that it can be distributed across and organization for ALL users so they can have the same tools, correct? This would be a very welcome feature and would be similar to the .OfficeUI files that can be created for this purpose for MS Office apps.
Jonathan commented
Agree. One of my complaints was that the "Fit to Width" and "Fit to Page" options aren't with the rest of the zoom options, which is very confusing. At least having the option to move it next to the other zoom options would be nice.
Anonymous commented
Please read the Full Tools, Menu customisation string and you will get plenty of information on what needs to be fixed.
Kelly Vaughn commented
I've seen so many complaints about the Toolbar and how confusing it is, that I made a video explaining it:
The left have of the toolbar is called "Toolbar." The right 1/2 of the toolbar is called "Quick Tools." So confusing!
Leif commented
In response to Ayush Jain's comment - Yes you can do as you described by using the "customize quick tools" feature, but the options are limited. There are a lot of icons that are in the quick tools toolbar that do not show up in the "customize quick tools", which are apparently mandatory.
There's a second way of editing some of the items in the toolbar, for example:
View > Show/Hide > Toolbar Items > Show Page Navigation ToolsThe frustrating thing about the second way is once you make a selection five menus deep, the whole chain of menus disappears and you have to navigate through all of them again to make another selection.
It would be helpful to have one single place that allowed you to quickly change this toolbar that didn't restrict which icons you could add/remove.
Kelly Vaughn commented
I agree completely! There also needs to be a way to save customize Quick Tools settings. If I rest the toolbars, I then have to manually set up quick tools again when I want to go back to a certain arrangement. They should work like workspaces.
I would like to inform you about the Customize Quick Tools Feature in Acrobat DC. This is how you can easily customize all your tools in the Quick Tools list.
1) Launch any pdf
2) right click on the top toolbar and select "Customize quick Tools"
3) you can easily add/Delete/reorder the desired tools from different apps into the Main top toolbar and thus create your own customized quick tools list.Let me know if that worked for you. or you have any other ask in this.
Ayush Jain