Bookmark "set-destination" directly from page on currently selected bookmark
I am using an online PDF for my University studies. I have to constantly go back and forward between the material, questions and solutions which are moving slightly down after material or question and each answer. I struggle with this as I can only use one hand.
My current usage is:
Keeping main material bookmark up to date:
- Read material.
- Come to a question.
- Answer question.
- Highlight next section to read.
- Click on my custom "next section bookmark"
- Right-click on "next section bookmark"
- Click set destination
- Click on dialogue confirming.
Keeping answers bookmark up to date:
- Click on my "answers bookmark" (previously created)
- Check answers to question.
- Highlight text for next answer required.
- Click on "answers bookmark"
- Right click on "answers bookmark" and click Set Destination.
- Click on confirmation dialogue.
I repeat this cycle and sometimes have to navigate back and forward to check material for answers. It works, but is a bit frustrating!
What would make life a LOT easier is if you can:
- Allow disabling of the Set Destination confirmation dialogue.
- Allow Set Destination to be applied a hotkey. Applying to the currently selected bookmark.
- Allow Set Destination to be applied by a right-click mouse button.
Simply by the nature of navigating, usually this function wouldn't inhibit other bookmark functions as generally the user will always click on the bookmark to be updated before applying the update.
Thanks for listening,
Since we Haven’t Heard back from you for so long, We are closing this issue.
Please feel free to reach out to us for any other concerns if you have,
Ayush Jain
AdminAnkit (Admin, Adobe) commented
Confirmation dialog for Set Destination can be dismissed using "Enter" key. By default, the focus in the dialog lies with the "Yes" button. So on pressing Enter key, the changes made get accepted. Please confirm if this is helpful for you.