******* pop ups
Why the are you interrupting my workflow with fing pop ups that not only have I NO INTEREST in whatsoever and they've just crashed the fing application. Stop trying to push me in the direction of the cloud - if I wanted to go there I would sort it out myself. And I don't want you 'reaching out' to me. Just turn it off by default.

Really sorry for the issue that you are facing here.
Could you please share a snapshot of the popup that you are referring to that you do not wish to see.?
You can send it on ajain@adobe.com
Ayush Jain
jgeer commented
It's 2024 and we are still dealing with these annoying pop ups
Christian Aleman commented
@ Ajain@adobe.com Its all of your pop ups every single on of them. But Adobe continues to turn a blind eye to this. It is so s__pid! Have you guys ever had any positive responses to the way you roll out your new features? Please interupt me from my time sensitive deadline with your constant pop information about features I do not need because that is what will keep me employed said no one ever!!
Dylan Kinnett commented
I'm interested in the new features and all, but the initial pop-ups about new features are an inappropriate way to promote them. At the moment when I've just opened a file or application, I want to do what I paid for, using features I already know about. Breaking my flow like this is really annoying.
Also, the popup for new features in Acrobat just crashed the app. All I needed was to open and print a file in a hurry, both the popup and the crash wasted some valuable time.
Jerrome Garcia commented
YES I do agree STOP THIS F'ng pop up!! driving me nuts. We already paid a lot for adobe pro stop selling us all your ****!!
Arpit Agrawal commented
Hi john,
Thanks for reaching out to us. We apologize for the inconvenience caused at your end, but to better understand the issue at your end could you please share the screenshot for the issue with us so that we can triage it better at our end. Kindly please email me at the following: arpitagr@adobe.com
-Arpit -
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same problem and even when I open a PDF file to check contents - the pop up that annoys me the most is the one that pops up every time "Take Tour" & I have to click on the cross to get rid of it, every time. I have "Taken Tour" in the hope that the pop up would go away for good but no such luck - makes me want to cancel my subscription also - how do we stop the pop ups ????????
me commented
where's the solution for this? Those constant pop ups really make me want to cancel my subscription