Convert current web page to an Adobe PDF file
I have Adobe Creative Cloud with Adobe DC et al. Up to today I have easily & successfully clicked the 'Convert current web page to an Adobe PDF file' icon in my browser tool bar.
Today, it does nothing & doesn't generate the PDF.
No updates have been done to my machine, system or OS or browser.
When I try to launch Adobe DC & try the same function via File>Create>PDF from Webpage it generates a PDF with the title on the top line & the URL at the bottom line & an empty file. So, in other words, useless.
I've also tried increasing the levels it captures to PDF & it produces the same result.
Why won't it work?
Glad to know that it’s working for you now!
Diana commented
In Chrome I had to disable the extension & then re-enable the extension multiple times to get it to work.
But it wasn't the instructions from the Online Help...
Would be good if Adobe could put an up-to-date set of instructions about what to do to fix this for common browsers.
But I've gotten mine working again.