Commenting issues
I do a lot of commenting and the commenting tools used to work much better.
Here are my top wishes:
1. Instant 'add note to replace text'. It used to work, so that if you highlighted a word or a sentence, all you needed to do was to start writing and the text would appear in a blue comment box.
2. When reviewing comments in a document, I really need an up and down arrow, so I can jump through all comments one at a time.
3. Allow for ALL the commenting tools to be available in the main tool bar. I am able to add some, but only two will fit in there.
Please help.

Kelly Vaughn commented
I agree that the UI of Acrobat DC toolbars is very non-intuitive. Here is a video I made to help with this. You can actually CAN customize your toolbar to a certain degree. It's just not names as such. It's called "Customize QuickTools." It really should be named "Customized Toolbar." But I discuss that wonky naming convention in the video, as well as shed some light on other naming and behavioral inconsistencies. Once you understand the possibilities, it's less frustrating. But the lack of consistency in the UI leaves users very frustrated.
Acrobat 9 used to have a properties bar with the up and down arrow:
I wrote about that here: