Comment UI was better in former version
Each comment in the column on the right hast to be opened to be checked with done (check mark). But then the answer-field is opening and the answering field of the former comment will be closed. When the checkmark is not set, the comment is always shifting a bit up. That makes a work with 500 corrections really bumpy/uneasy.
The size of each comment is also too big. In the former version there were 17 comments on one screen, now there are just 9 comments!
Make one comment without opening and smaller and more clearly arranged without moving!!
In the CS6 version of Acrobat Pro it was much better!!!!

The original issue reported in the main thread is resolved by giving a preference for checkbox in the latest release. The other issue reported by Ian Davis is under our radar and we will let the user know if we pick it for future release.
Otis Saint commented
the article is completely correct, Acrobat 9 is still my favorite and most preferred to use!
Ian Davies commented
You favour an interface that unpredictably alters how information is presented when the user tries to make use of it? Says it all really.
Adminmeaggarw (Admin, Adobe) commented
Thanks for bringing this issue to our notice Ian Davis. Your valuable feedback helps us improving our product. We discussed about this particular issue and we do not have any plans to work on it in immediate future. However, we’ll have it in our radar and might revisit at an appropriate time in future.
Ian Davies commented
It's still absurd that double-clicking on the text content of a comment changes the appearance! What happened to interfaces behaving in consistent predictable ways!? When you double-click and the field contents become editable, it's suddenly in a smaller font size. If you were wanting to select just a single word or line (because in the real world, we get comments like "Replace the first line with: [some text goes here]" and you only want to copy the text that's being changed) then once you've double-clicked on it the word or line of text you wanted is very likely not under your mouse any more because the change in font size means the comment text reflows.
Annoying and stupid. -
Anonymous commented
Totally agree!!!! Corporate user here. I use Acrobat Pro to automatically place Watermarks on PDF files generated from AutoCAD drawings. Just got a new computer and had to upgrade from AB Pro XI to AB Pro DC 2017.
I hate the toolbars in Pro DC. In the old XI... the toolbars and their functions were nicely placed down the right had side... where you could expand to the functions with dropdown arrow.
Now... the toolbar is still on the right hand side... but the functions are across the top of the page on a ribbon. Now to use them... you have to go from one location to another to click on features... whereas before... they were right there together.
Also... with the new age of Wide Screen Monitors.... You have tons of room on the sides of the screen... and nothing on the top and bottom. Why would they move stuff to the top or bottom of the screen... when viewing your document size is reduced by ribbons.
Just common sense tells you to use the side of the monitors for these types of things.Why do these developers thing their improvements help functionality. When you have a good thing going... leave it alone!!!!!!!!!
Evan commented
Agreed. I would love for you to take a breather. Open the commenting UI from an old version and compare it side-by-side with new version and ask yourselves not which one is subjectively 'prettier', but which is more FUNCTIONAL. Hint: It's the old one. By a mile.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Kelly Vaughn commented
For those of you who would like to have the "No Fill" option reimplemented, you please vote for it here:
Also, I've written an article about the "No Fill" option and how it can still be accomplished using the Properties Bar:
Kelly Vaughn commented
Adobe added a keyboard shortcut for marking a comment as checked : Shift + K.
There is also a third party tool that will mark a comment as checked. That way, you can add it to your Quick Tools and so you always have the ability to mark comments as checked, even without the Comments Pane open. The added benefit of the third party tool is that you can mark multiple comments as checked all at once. I wrote about it here: can purchase the script here:
Jamie Lind commented
yep, you need to sort out the no fill option, dumb idea on every level taking it out
Anonymous commented
No fill transparency in the new tools. Step backwards. Please implement.
Dave commented
Why can you no longer select "no fill color" in the colour picker? It's annoying that you have to open the properties bar each and every time (but at least that still works)
Anonymous commented
Stupid to not include all options (no fill color) in properties.
Anonymous commented
I am annoyed that the shapes can no longer be hollow! Please revert back in a future update. Thanks!
Kelly Vaughn commented
YES! I still use Acrobat 9 every day because of the better UI for commenting!
Anonymous commented
I hate your new version, and loved the older version. The graphics and tool bar are horrible in this new version. It is like you went backwards.