Open multiple files from Recent list at the same time
When opening Adobe Acrobat Standard DC, it shows you a list of Recent Files that you have used; however, you can only open one of these files at a time. Similar to the ability to select multiples files in other programs of holding the Control key to select more than one file or holding the Shift key to select a range of files, it would be useful (and a standard Windows function) to be able to select multiple files and open them all at the same time. If reviewing the files in Windows Explorer, you can open multiple files at the same and and this feature should exist from the Recent Files list in Adobe.

You can select multiple files also from the recent list, by clicking on the checkbox and also by holding the control key to select more files.
RD Holliday commented
Read the comments below, this is totally wrong and the issue is definitely NOT RESOLVED!! Remove this comment from the list and either get an answer, create a solution or admit this is nothing Adobe Acrobat can do. It may even be a security issue, but the question posed and noted by many users is not answered anywhere in this post. At this point, you either open them individually or you use the browser to do a multiple file open (that works when the files are in the same place, but not if they are coming from different locations). Please, ADOBE, you've got great stuff - solve it or tell the public it's not something you're prepared to do and the reasons behind.
Anonymous commented
the solution provided is not an answer... yes you can select multiple files but the only option thereafter is to combine files or remove from recent. Totally useless. See attachment
Michel Phillips commented
Same problem. I can select multiple recent files by clicking the checkboxes. But I can't figure out how to open them all at once. File > Open brings up a new dialog box for a recent Windows folder. Right-click does nothing. Double-clicking one file I've selected opens only that file. Now that I've selected multiple recents, how do I DO anything with them? The answer should be obvious from the user interface. Instead, it's either hidden or nonexistent.
Anonymous commented
Bur how to we OPEN multiple files AT THE SAME TIME? - I see how I can select multiple files, but I need to open multiple files and put them side-by-side, just like it is possible with previous versions.
Anonymous commented
Totally agree. Among the many annoying features of Adobe Acrobat DC that was recently installed on our work computers. Before this version we could open two docs and see both at the same time. With this DC version, it just puts each of them in a tab at the top and you can click on one a time. VERY FRUSTRATING.
Anonymous commented
+1 for the excellent idea!