ugly pdf icon
Please go back to the previous pdf icon. The new one, simple red outline with white box, is so ugly. I thought something was wrong because it just doesn't look right--as if going backward or indicative of a glitch. There are forums out there where people are looking for ideas to change it back and others are asking if something is wrong because of the new, oversimplified look.

Daniel commented
ugly as ****
Jimmy Dean commented
I agree 100% - blood red is not the right color for any icon
Elysia99 commented
Agree wholeheartedly. It's actually harder to see it in my task bar, why change something successful for NO REASON?
Susan Loncar commented
Adobe, your users (including me and my colleagues) absolutely hate the new icon. Keep in mind that the general public is also dealing with the icon change, so your problem is a lot bigger than just paid Adobe users. In a finder window, it's too hard to see against a white background. I already filed a modification request, but this time, Adobe, you messed up. And your reluctance to listen to your users will not end well for your brand, imo.
AdminArvind Yadav (Admin, Adobe) commented
“Thanks for bringing this issue to our notice. Your valuable feedback helps us improving our product. We discussed about this particular issue and we do not have any plans to work on it in immediate future. However, we’ll have it in our radar and might revisit at an appropriate time in future.”