Bring Back Clear all Recently Viewed Files and clear error
Recently updated DC to version 19.8.20071.303822. Previous version had a button at the bottom of the page that said clear recently viewed files. Now I have to check block each individual PDF and clear them. The last PDF it does not give the option to clear instead it asks about delete. I don't want to delete the file, I just want to clear the screen of recently viewed PDFs of files. Also if I try to select it with the others I want to clear, the clear option disappears, what is up?

Girija Agarwala commented
With our latest updates, you could use the Clear Recent button located at bottom right of the Recent file list and remove all of them. Alternatively, you can also Sign Out to clear all recent files.
AdminCharu Karwa (Admin, Adobe) commented
Thanks for reporting the issue.
Clear recent files option is not available if you have a minimum of 1 workflow file in your recent list. If you have no workflow file, it should be there. This is As Designed as of now.
Similarly if you select minimum of 1 workflow file to open its right side pane to remove from recent, this option is removed.
According to the snapshots shared by you, last file in your recent list is a ‘Shared File’, which cannot be removed from recent unless you choose to Delete Shared File, which will delete it permanently from document cloud and cannot be undone.
Do let me know if you need more information here.
Charu Maheshwari
Adobe Acrobat DC Team