BUG - Converting emails to PDF does not include jpg attachments
I updated to Adobe Pro 2017 and using Outlook 2013 with all current updates. When I use the Adobe PDF Maker in Outlook it will not include any jpeg files. I have verified the conversion settings are correct, I have even tried dragging a group of emails into "combine files" in Adobe 2017 but regardless the jpeg attachments to not transfer.
PLEASE HELP - I need the complete emails with all attachments for a legal case. I even purchased evermap to convert the attachments in a portfolio to PDF so they can be bates stamped. BUT if the attachment is not included I have wasted my time and money with updates that aren't any better than the Pro XI I previously had.

Are your jpg attachments coming in the PDF ?
Do you expect jpg attachments embedded as PDF in the PDF itself?
André Schmutz commented
We have the same issue, is there anyone in Adobe who could help ?
chris f commented
I am having the same issues as BUG, Sarah and Teresa has stated. Further standing by Chris F
Sarah commented
I am having the same issue. .jpg files when attached to an email do not convert to pdf either embedded in the email or as an attachment. I do not have this problem with other file types, just .jpg. We have tried the fix above and it does not help. Is there a fix yet?
Anonymous commented
I also have this issue. is anyone able to assist?
Teresa Johnson commented
I created the key as described and restarted my computer and it is still not converting jpg files.