Ahmed commented
((The document could not be saved. A number is out of range))
This pops up when I try to save an edit to my book!, could you please help with that, I don't want to lose my edits
asemkadri1981 commented
I could not save or print the file, but I found a solution
Kate commented
Holsten's instructions do not work at least not anymore. I had to export as a postscript under a new file name. Then on adobe go to file -> create PDF from file... and I was able to save.
John A. Espinal A. commented
Critical. I need to save this file and I can't because of this error. Adobe have made me loose a lot of time with this kind of issued. To the point to have to re work 10 hours.
Jim Coder commented
I found the answer in this page useful https://kodlogs.net/213/the-document-could-not-be-saved-a-number-is-out-of-range-fixed
lsicker commented
John Holsten's instructions worked perfectly! Thank you John!!
1. Rename the file
2. Open in Google chrome
3. Print to .pdf
4. Open in Adobe -
Robert Ley commented
John Holsten's comment below from 1/13/22 worked perfectly for me! THANKS!!!!!
The *real* question is why this BUG is allowed by Adobe to exist. Some of us don't own Acrobat and can't do all the Acrobat things to fix a BUG that shouldn't be there anyway!!!!! Hint Hint Hint!!! -
Ann Easley commented
I could not save or print the file, but I found a solution. I knew it was page 2 that was flaking out on me because I decided to try to print each page individually. I got all but page 2. Which wouldn't print or save. So I did a screenshot/snip of it, then I printed it. Then I scanned all of the pages and got them to the destination. YAY!
Nicole Karadjov commented
I am trying to save a pdf document on the acrobat reader but every time it says that it cannot be saved and a page number is out of range I do not know what to do or how to fix this I have tried renaming and re-opening the document but nothing seems to work.
John Holsten commented
I had the same error, however was able to use following solution:
1. Rename the file
2. Open in Google chrome
3. Print to .pdf
4. Open in AdobeIt seems this issue might be caused by a mismatch between Mac/PC adobe versions or version numbers.
Hope this helps!
Teddric Mohr commented
Edward paul commented
When I got this document cannot saved error in Excel. I have got help from this post. So do try the fixes mentioned in this blog, if you guys are facing this issue in your Excel workbook.
Cheryl commented
I can not save the document once I have done changes gives number is out of range
Baggy Boy commented
This worked for me! File, print, choose Adobe pdf as the printer. Then hit print. It will ask you to save it...save it under a different file name. Boom! It worked for me! Hope this helps.
Anonymous commented
Same error, on MAC, trying to reduce file size - Fixed by opening in preview, exporting to PDF with new name, Opening THAT PDF to reduce file size.
Allen commented
If you are a Mac user, use Preview to avoid the issue or avoid Acrobat.
Sherpa commented
I had the same error. This is what worked:
1. Rename the original pdf.
2. Open with... Google Chrome.
3. Print --> Save as PDF
Anonymous commented
Having the same issue. Every time I try to save as new PDF (even with new filename), I get this error. I tried to export to .ps, but this gives a different error about annotation objects. I cannot believe that Adobe Acrobat and the PDF format remains the standard document format of the world. This needs to change.
CR commented
easiest way is to just print to pdf. i was getting the same error and i did print to pdf and i was able to save it
CoCoBo commented
Received a PDF file. Opened using Acrobat Pro 2017. Needed to save with a new name to comply with standards at work. Every time I tried got this error message: The document could not be saved. A number is out of range.) Was able to resolve by extracting the pages. Then had no issues saving the file.