Bug Report: LSMinimumSystemVersion broken in Adobe Acrobat
LSMinimumSystemVersion (in your Info.plist file) is broken in Adobe Acrobat
1.) minimum system version is 10.11 and not 10.4.3
2.) you've put spaces into it ( 10 . 4 . 3 ) so it doesn't work at all

hkatsura commented
this is still an issue with 20.006.20042. Info.plist has the wrong/bad LSMinimumSystemVersion string. "10 . 4 . 3". it should be "10.12". and the Dock shows the app icon with the "do not enter" overlay.
$ grep -A1 LSMinimumSystemVersion "/Applications/Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.app/Contents/Info.plist"
<string>10 . 4 . 3</string>bad:
<string>10 . 4 . 3</string>should be:
<string>10.12</string>Adobe Acrobat Reader DC System requirements:
https://helpx.adobe.com/reader/system-requirements.htmlalso there are some iffy (greater than 10.12) minimum OS version in some binaries.
/Applications/Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.app/Contents/Plugins/AcroForm.acroplugin/Contents/MacOS/PMP/AdobePDF417.pmp/Contents/MacOS/AdobePDF417:
Mach header
cmdsize 16
version 10.13/Applications/Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.app/Contents/Plugins/AcroForm.acroplugin/Contents/MacOS/PMP/DataMatrix.pmp/Contents/MacOS/DataMatrix:
Mach header
cmdsize 16
version 10.13/Applications/Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.app/Contents/Support/ReaderUC/libReaderUC.dylib
cmdsize 16
version 10.14 -
dinkblam commented
also, any version since 19.012.20034 and up to the current version 19.021.20061 has an incorrect LSMinimumSystemVersion. it claims to run on 10.11, while it actually requires 10.12.
Adobe. how difficult is it to get the basic stuff right? any single-person Mac developer manages to do it easily....
Ansh commented
Thank you for bringing this to our notice. we have raised this issue with our development team and it will be addressed in coming updates.