Greetings! I am sorry to hear that you are facing issues with the compare feature.
It would be great if you could help us with a few queries that will help us in investigating the bug:
• Could you confirm if the issue is happening intermittently or every time?
• Could you please share a screen recording with us while performing the workflow on which Acrobat is getting crashed and share the recording and crash logs with us?
For info on how to share the files with us, please read the steps below :
To share the file using Adobe send – https://cloud.acrobat.com/send
- Open the above-mentioned link
- Click on “Select files to Send”
- Click link “Choose file from my computer” and Select the file
- Click on “Add Files”, if you have more files to add
- Click on Create link
- Share this link with us
- You can also share this file with limited persons using “Send personalized invitations”
- Enter the email ids of persons you want to share the file and click “Send”
For making crash logs:
1. Retry the scenario where Acrobat crashes
2. Do not close the pop-up when Acrobat crash
3. Open Task manager
4. Right click on “Acrobat.exe *32” process and select ‘Create Dump file’
5. It will create a log file in the temp folder. (Path will be displayed on pop-up comes when logs created). You can also check this under
- Open Run process (Win+R)
- Type
- Logs file will be available here with name “Acrobat.
DMP” or “Acrobat(n).
DMP” if there are other Acrobat dumps exist.
Adobe Acrobat Team.