Subscription use analytics
Now that I can no longer license Acrobat Std / Pro per device, Adobe must provide customers analytics to ensure I'm not wasting my subscriptions on named users who aren't using them. If I think of a named user subscription like a water tap, I need to ensure the spigot is not left open unnecessarily and wasting water. Please develop analytics (like others have) that tell me if a named user who has an Acrobat Pro subscription is using any Pro functionality, and how frequently. Same for Acrobat Standard subscriptions. This will allow me to re-assign unused subscriptions instead of just adding more, and hoping that the large sum of money Adobe receives isn't being wasted. Thank you.

Steve Kish commented
Thank you for your reply.
AdminRavi (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Steve,
Thanks for sharing your valuable inputs with Adobe. I will share this feedback with the concerned product team for prioritization.