Make Fill and Sign re-editable by the user
It MUST - absolutely MUST (!!!) be possible to use a version of 'Fill and Sign' that allows your form to be edited (maybe by you and only you) after you've saved it. For Adobe to keep saying 'it's not editable after you've saved it is pointless. For things like applications and long forms etc., you don't get things right first time, you have to go back and change figures etc, so either Adobe decide to make an editable version, or people use something else.
At the moment, a pencil and a rubber is a better alternative. Please don't just reply by saying 'the document is uneditable once you've saved it' as on previous requests - that's the whole problem and it needs sorting!

The changes you made inside Fill and Sign app becomes non-editable when you save the PDF after placing an Signature/Initial on the PDF. This is by design since placing the signature/initial is generally the last step in filling a form.
You can always edit your changes before you place the signature/initial.
Sandeep Grover
L El commented
I know this is old, but this IS annoying. Many a form requires initials for line items then a signature at the end. Yet initials will also trigger locking of the form. I know you can place the initials and not save immediately. But, sometimes forms are long, you have to come back to it. There should me a message stating do you want to lock the form when applying the signature. Let the user decide it's time to lock. And/Or offer to save two copies, one unlocked and one lock. So if the user needs to update they can. And/Or once saved offer to able to delete signatures, if signatures deleted then form unlocks again automatically. Forms don't behave this way with digital certificate signatures... those are way more legally binding then stupid digital "ink" signatures, but for some reason i can still modify forms if i digitally cert sign. So, odd. You think the behavior would be opposite if anything.
Jeffrey Schulz commented
So I am forced to redownload the form and refill the form in again from scratch because I got 1 number in the form incorrect????? So I waste an hour of my day filling in a form for nothing. The signature isn't at the bottom so I signed and then kept filling out the form after the signature. Jason also makes a good point.
Gary Barrett commented
Actually, you CAN make a form editable again by removing your signature. To remove your signature, right-click the signature and then choose Clear Signature. Then you can edit and resign.
See this help article for details:
Jason commented
Such tone-deaf defiance is downright ignorant, and the rubber-stamp reply is not a resolution. Enrolling a child in a program requires a form. If a parent is enrolling multiple children (3, in my case) in a program, multiple forms must be filled out. If 90% of the responses are identical across all children, the form should be able to be filled out once, saved multiple times, and edited for each child. In its current state, the software does nothing to save time or effort. As the OP said, a pencil and eraser is more practical!