get rid of the trash can on text callout boxes, it gets in the way and serves no purpose
Anonymous commented
Yeah, get rid of the floating trash can please. It is annoying and counterproductive.
Katherine Watkins commented
Thanks for the reco, Alex MacDonald! I'll have to look into Foxit. Would be nice for Acrobat to have some legit competition--then maybe Adobe will be more responsive to customer feedback.
Alex MacDonald commented
Months now and no roll back and no fix. I've started using Foxit Reader now Free download and once you learn where things are at it does seem more useful (only used a couple times so far). Also none of this stupid side panel popups either when you want to add a comment. Would have continued to use Adobe but the lack of customer support with only a message saying we will fix this sometime in the future is costing me time now.
Scott commented
Pppplease trash the trash can! This is obnoxious and not an improvement!! There are far more times that I want to edit the text than delete the entire comment, but this poor idea prohibits the ability to edit the text with a click of the mouse.
Scott commented
Pppplease trash the trash can! This is obnoxious and not an improvement!! There are far more times that I want to edit the text than delete the entire comment, but this poor idea prohibits the ability to edit the text with a click of the mouse.
Scott commented
Pppplease trash the trash can! This is obnoxious and not an improvement!! There are far more times that I want to edit the text than delete the entire comment, but this poor idea prohibits the ability to edit the text with a click of the mouse.
Scott commented
Pppplease trash the trash can! This is obnoxious and not an improvement!! There are far more times that I want to edit the text than delete the entire comment, but this poor idea prohibits the ability to edit the text with a click of the mouse.
Marcus commented
Comment #53
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Here is comment # 51.
Trash the trash can. -
Anonymous commented
Maybe Adobe needs a minimum number of complaints before it is noticed or made actionable. We may need to step up our game. C’mon everyone, tell your friends, neighbors & any stranger you come across to write a little note. Let’s call it the trash can challenge! Who’s with me?
Anonymous commented
This "feature" was obviously designed by someone who never has to mark up PDFs. Two months later people are still screaming about the productivity hit, yet it hasn't changed.
Haewon commented
It is actually very surprising for any UX designers to come up with (or agree with) this design change. Unwanted popup every time a user selects text, without providing an option to turn it off! Truly worthy of a new example for the book, The Design of Everyday Things, a must-read book for UX designers. UX designers at Adobe, you can do better than this. Don't be afraid to fight with other teams if their suggestions do not meet your UX principle.
Katie McKinney commented
I agree with Bruce Jackson - there are many people enraged by this feature that do not comment. I have never commented about my daily frustration, until now - but I do lurk in the background and read the comments to my coworkers because these amazing comments are the only good thing that's come out of adding this terrible feature. My coworkers are a little confused as to why it's taking so long to remove this feature. It seems more important to completely remove this feature now, and figure out how to make it optional later. Just a thought from someone who spends 90% of their day editing and commenting in PDFs.
Bruce Jackson commented
Also, please remember that for every person responding here... there are likely a thousand with the same issue but who do not know where to complain -- case in point -- my staff.
Bruce Jackson commented
@Ayush Jain,
Any news on when you will roll out the fix.
This is really cutting into my staff's performance due to the frustration it is causing...
Please make expediting this fix a priority.
Thanks. -
Dena Jennings commented
Hate this trash can pop up!! It is not helpful whatsoever. We have a delete key if we need to trash something.
Steve Longworth commented
Agree with all other commenters. It's not only annoying, it actually gets in the way – trying to edit / type in text boxes, this thing floats over top so you can't see surrounding text clearly.
The latest in a long line of badly thought out changes that make it harder, not easier, to work. Do you ever ask people who actually use the software for editing PDFs before this **** is implemented? -
Katherine Watkins commented
I am so glad to see this thread, echoing my extreme frustration over the text box hovering trash can. This is the most annoying, terrible feature!! Just as someone said, does Adobe think we can't figure out how to delete a text box? Every time I try to go in and edit a comment, I instead face this ridiculous trash can and real difficulty making the edit. Just now, it caused me to delete the text box. PLEEEEEEEEEEEZE get rid of it, I beg you!
Anonymous commented
I HATE the floating trash can! Get rid of it!