Add proper LongPath support
Adobe fails to open files when a file path & name exceed MAX_PATH. Windows no longer has a hard path character limit if the LongPathsEnabled key is set in the registry. See
Modern applications are adopting this new standard with the mentioned file management hooks provided by the OS.
Adobe is falling behind in this regard. Please add proper Long Path support.

We are currently reviewing the request for LongPath support and will update the thread.
Shaun commented
Adobe has Lost of Clients and is also on the never recommend list
The original thread was started May 29, 2019 and will be 5 years with no solution.
Because of this disregard I have successfully migrated over 400 company accounts totaling more than 15,000 user licenses to alternate PDF platforms.
Next month, I am tasked with migrating another 200 licenses.
Every customer will be off of Adobe by end of Q2 2024.
I feel sorry for the terminations coming.
Hopefully it will be management not developers for incorrectly prioritizing and keeping this off the solution Radar.
MC Iglo commented
still reviewing?
Adam Kessel commented
Crazy that this issue is going on five years now. Very common issue with long OneDrive paths.
Carl Green commented
still broken. will this ever be fixed?
NWIRP commented
Seeing complaints for this going back for a few years.. we use share folders and Google Drive at work with very specific file structures. This not being available either requires completely restructuring our folders/files or switching to a different product. Given the sheer volume of data, switching off of Adobe as an organization might be the better route.
You are losing business over this as an issue! Windows allows long path names but Acrobat doesn't seem to be aware that the long paths are enabled. Glad someone filed a bug, not too happy to see it's been stuck in limbo.
Orange J commented
How hard is it to add long file path support? It has been over 4 years and adobe can't open a long path file.
This is atrocious.
Korey Mendes commented
Has this been implemented yet?
Shaun commented
This is a major issue with OneDrive and SharePoint.
Peter Verginer commented
Its a pain working with sharepoint and onedrive sync and having to copy pdfs to the desktop to open them.
We are also investigating moving to foxit only because of this everyday-problem! -
Carl commented
Not on the known issue list.
Until they acknowledge it there get the feeling we will be waiting a very long time for fix!!!
Adobe Reader product team can we ********* the known issue list for starters?
Cristiano Rodrigues commented
Any updates on this @Vinod?
We have clients on Adobe subscriptions that we'll move to Foxit if this doesn't get sorted soon.
Jim Kramer commented
For the money Adobe charges for Acrobat this should not be a "thing". Come on Adobe... get your act together.
Jason Stuff commented
Kind of ridiculous at this point. "Currently reviewing"? How long does it take to review? Apparently 3+ years. It's not as simple as reducing file name length, many networks are locked into long file tree paths. More importantly, we shouldn't have to change file paths/lengths, this is an issue that should be fixed by Adobe.
Magnolia Xenia commented
Any updates regarding this request? It's been more than 2 years. This issue is still a headache for everyone in the business.
Anonymous commented
How is still a problem, you have has almost 2 years since the bug report regarding this issue was posted. Come on adobe, you are better than this
Anonymous commented
The issue continues to persist as I'm finding out after getting Adobe for my organization. Any update on the resolution?
Peter Verginer commented
Any progress on this? We have serious problems in the whole company because of this!
test commented
And ? You are still in progress ?????
nz commented
I don't think Adobe gives a rats *** about this issue. I'm paying $200 a yr subscription service for a **** software that a much cheaper version can take care of. Time to go with the competitor.
Anonymous commented
12 Months since you noted it as under review. Any updates yet?? This is insane!