Bug: Accessibility tool making text disappear
The "Make Accessible" tool is making text disappear in the document. Working in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, 2015.006.30505. I opened the document, clicked on Tools, then Action Wizard, then Make Assessible. First fopur steps worked fine, but after runnuing the Document Pass and the Alt Text detection, text went missing in numerous places in the document. This is the fourth time this has happened. Look at the header on the first page.

We currently do not have plan to fix this but we have kept this issue in our radar and will be fixing it in the future releases.
Alex commented
Has anyone found a solution to this yet? I have the same problem. Text is being deleted when using the Accessibility Checker, seems to happen when using the 'Tagged PDF' fix.
J commented
So it's now 2022. Have you fixed this yet? It's mandatory for public offices in Europe to make documents accessible, and your tool currently risk important information losses because of this bug that you 1) can't explain to users and 2) haven't felt like fixing. When will you address this problem with your software?
Steve Varnum commented
@AB, thank you. I'll definitely give that a try!
AB commented
My team and I were running into the same issue. I tried several things and finally got it to work by doing this: Used the ACTION WIZARD > Make Accessible >> followed the prompts >> in the Recognize Text - General Settings box, I chose Editable Text and Images Output and Downsample To: 300dpi and let it run the whole way through, then I followed the remaining prompts. Hope that helps!
Dax Castro commented
It doesn't actually make the text disappear. It changes the layer order in the Content panel. Go into your content panel and look for the object on that page in the list. Just move that "missing" text down in the list (Content panel reads from bottom up). Or.. find the background object that is making it look like your text is gone and move it to the top of the list (which means send to back basically)
Steve Varnum commented
I attached the document with my original message. Here it is again.
Steve Varnum commented
https://communityloanfund.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Issues-with-Adobe-accessibility-tool.pdf -- I don't need you to fix it. I was able to fix it using a different tool. I wanted you to know yours isn't working correctly. Please send a update that fixes the issue if one becomes available.
Nick commented
I've had this happen to me before, with no way to resolve it.