PDFMaker Add-in causes Title: Failed error from MS Word 2016
An accessible MS Word 2016 docx, saved as a PDF with the Adobe PDFMaker Add-in enabled, creates a PDF when Accessibility Checked with Acrobat Pro 2017 results in a Title: Failed error. The same MS Word PDF created after disabling the PDFMaker Com Add-in no longer results in the Title:Failed error.
The Title: Failed error caused by PDFMaker is easily corrected by clicking "Fix it" in acrobat pro, but the document already has a title and this step should not be necessary. It's better to disable PDFMaker which is installed as part of Acrobat Pro 2017.
Please fix PDFMaker.
Thank you for your bug report. Unfortunately, we are unable to address this problem due to other high priority backlog items.