Bug: "No error" message when viewing XFA forms
In version 2021.001.20138 it's impossible to open XFA-based forms (sample attached).
- Open any XFA form.
- All you get is an modal message "No error". When you click [OK] then you'll see the "Please wait …" shell PDF of the XFA form, which is generally only shown by PDF viewer that don't support XFA.
- Tested on Windows 10
- Display contens of dynamic XFA form
- Nonsense error message "No error." and display of shell PDF.
The problem is the same in Acrobat Reader DC.
With our latest release, the issue reported by you has been addressed.
If your product has not already been updated, to get the latest product update, click on the menu Help --> Check for updates in the product.
For more information about the release, please refer to the Release Notes and the New Feature Summary web links.
Hope this helps in addressing the reported issue. We look forward to the continued feedbackThanks,
Gaurav Maheshwari -
AdminBhavna Negi (Admin, Adobe) commented
We would like you to test the following steps.
1. Please ensure that Acrobat/Reader is closed.
2. Goto the computer registry, and navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\IPM
3. The registry “b4304509” should be set to 0. You can double click to change, and set it to "0".
4. Now, navigate to below-mentioned paths, and create a new registry- See attached screenshot.
Path (Reader): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\FeatureState (Create the FeatureState key if not present)Path (Acrobat): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\FeatureState (Create the FeatureState key if not present)
Key name: 4304509
Value: 0
5. Open the PDFs, and let us know if the issue goes away.
Thank you for your patience.
-Bhavna -
AdminBhavna Negi (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hello @radzmar
We are trying our best to reproduce the issue at our end. And we will need more information from your end, to help us investigate further.
Please try the following steps and share with us through https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/send/ -
1. Create a dump from "Task Manager" when you see the “no error” prompt.
2. We see that deleting the registry at the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe folder, is working. Please share the registry hive. You can right-click on it and select “Export”.
Thank you for your patience.
AdminMohd Amish (Admin, Adobe) commented
Sorry about the issue which you are facing. If possible, please share a sample file to help us reproduce this issue at our end and help in investigation. Thanks for your help.