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Acrobat Web



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312 results found

  1. My Adobe Acrobat PDF Pack indicates I have the ability to edit text in pdf and yet when I try to access this tool, it sends me to a page to purchase another package. Please advise.

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  2. Ik heb al een paar keer geprobeerd mijn abonnement op te zeggen maar jullie blijven incasseren hetgeen ik bijzonder vervelend vind.

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  3. You guys are such ******* for making the login as difficult as possible. Logging in with gmail isnt enough, oh you found an old account I used in the past? GREAT ******* SIGN IN WITH SINGLE SIGN ON. NO I DONT REMEMBER THE PASSSWORD TO THIS STUPID ****** ADOBE ACCOUNT, OH I CANT ACCESS WITHOUT GOING THRU ALL THESE HOOPS OH I LITERSLLY HA BVE TO CREATE A WHOLE NEW ACCOUNT TO EVEN JUDST FILL OUT A ******* PDF ONLINE BECSUSE THE MAC VREADER DFOESNT DO IT I HATE YOUR ****** COMPSNY FOR THIS KIND OF ******** I WILL NEVER…

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  4. Adobe Acrobat DC aboneliği satın aldım ama bir türlü başlatamıyorum. Ekranda Deneme Süreniz doldu yazıyor. Zaten o çıktığında SATIN AL dedim. Onay maili geldi ve desktop'a yükledi. Ama çalışmıyor.

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  5. I WANT OUT! I am trying to cancel my free trial and I am stuck in an endless loop of it telling me "social media" sign-in isn't available, so it sends me code, I put that in change password, and IT WILL NOT GIVE ME OPTIONS TO GO ANYWHERE BUT TO DO THIS CIRCLE AGAIN>

    I am already SIGNED into my account - I clicked manage plans and cancel - that sends you to an endless loop


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  6. Cannot access billing - get 404 error when attempting to go to

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  7. Estoy usando este excelente producto, pero en las actuales circunstancias, no lo requiero para negocio, sino ocasionalmente para editar algun documento, principalmente por ahorro de papel, porque lo he hecho a la antigua; imprimiendo, cambiando (agregando oo borrando y volviendo a scanear, pero se utiliza de mi parte mucho papel, es posible para por cada utiliacion, sean una o dos por mes. Gracias por su atencion.

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  8. Your policy of 2 devices per Acrobat Pro license is disgustingly greedy and completely out of sync with the industry at large. Who the **** uses only two compute devices today ? I use three computers, two iPads and my phone. I constantly have to log into my Dashlane password manager that works flawlessly to get into your site on Chrome when I might buy something but when I try and access a file because I want to open it I have to cut and past e my email and password into the forms so I can disable one of…

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  9. I renewed my account back in January and was told at that time that the price would be $9.99 / month for 12 months. However, I was charged $19.99 this month (4 months later) and when I sent a chat asking about this, I was told all prices were increased. The deal I was given back in January was the $9.99 / month would be locked in for 12 months. However, they will no longer honor that. Would recommend everyone look at other software as telling people a price is good for 12 months only to double the price 4…

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  10. Arkadaslar adope scan PDF uygulama sinin deneme sürümü iptalini talep ediyorum

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  11. Wie erklärt sich der Preisanstieg von 38% für Adobe Acrobat Pro innerhalb von einem Jahr?

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  12. I purchased the Adobe Illustrator but it is not showing as an account. I have the receipt attached. Please provide me with the Adobe Illustrator system to my account please. Thank you.

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  13. I only subscribed for acrobat pro, why am I paying for 9 applications that I did not subscribe for, and how come my subscription increases without my consent. What you have done is illegal.

    I request you to return the variation deducted from your end, and cancel my subscription with immediate effect.

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  14. Very disappointed with acrobat pro. Issues scaling between displays, constant popup "an internal error occurred". And if I want to cancel my plan because of these issues you are going to charge me 99.99? It is absurd that there is no simple option to cancel my subscription after the full year is over so that I don't automatically get renewed.

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  15. adobe acrobat blijft vastlopen. dit na een plan update. enorm frustrerend. ik heb alles al gedaan van afmelden, herstarten naar verwijderen en updaten. Ik kan zo onmogelijk mijn werk doen. Waar 50% van de tijd ik met PDF's moet werken. UITERMATEN ONTEVREDEN

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  16. I only signed in with my Google account because your site made it seem that I would be able to use the products for free. Once I did sign up, your company wants me to start paying a fee to use.
    Very deceitful.

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  17. I paid for plan that allows me to convert PDFs to Word or Excel documents in 11/2022. When I try to do this I immediately get shifted to the Subscription page. I have a subscription although Adobe does appear to have a record of it.

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  18. Why would you force me to create an account just to only be able to convert ONE PDF??? Ill thought through and cruel. Just pointless!

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  19. It is absolutely insane that you do not offer a direct purchase of subscription from Serbia, a country in the middle of Europe with 10 million people living here! It's 21st century guys!

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  20. I've forgotten my password. I follow the steps to reset forgotten password, however I always end up with a sales pitch to upgrade. Please stick to the reset and stop interfering with the sales pitches

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