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33 results found
60 votes
Could anyone please upload a video link showing the issue? Meanwhile we are trying to ascertain the scenarios where it does not work.
ArvindAn error occurred while saving the comment Bob supported this idea ·
28 votes
Please let us know if information shared by Leonard helped in resolving your concern.
VivekAn error occurred while saving the comment Bob commented
Bob supported this idea ·
57 votes
Bob supported this idea ·
9 votes
Hi Mike
We have shared your concern with the team and we will look into this. In the meantime as you yourself mentioned, you can resize the thumbnails panel to a size where you can accommodate more thumbnails and can still see the document.
Sorry for the inconvenience.Regards
VivekAn error occurred while saving the comment Bob commented
i agree . Thumnails are very important for moving pages around in the docs iand also it is via thumbnails is the only way to get certain commands. Acrobat pleaseGuard (and upgrade) asthis feature witha ALL of its functions. i am writing this at the spur of the moment or iwould say more. but i agree both with the original author Mike and the comments of Anonymous. Thank you.
Bob supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Bob commented
..other than using portfolio?
Bob shared this idea ·
41 votes
We have taken your feature request. It is under review.
We’ll keep you posted.Thanks
TanviBob supported this idea ·
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Bob commented
Interesting but more detail would help (e.g. who is it Did this come from opening an email? it looks as if your message was cut short somehow in mid sentence
Bob supported this idea ·
1 vote
Thanks for reporting your concern. This seems to be a case of mistaken identity. Adobe employees do contact customers directly to help them in any issues they are facing. Do let us know in case you face any other issue.
An error occurred while saving the comment Bob commented
ADDITION TO MY NOTE:ABOUT SUSPICIOPUS EMAIL--Bob again my Note :"BOB HERE AGAIN:-i have never questioned anythong about filland sign and the email from address did not mention adobe just "Akshi Gupta" i OPENED IT ONLY BY MY ERROR. aDVICE WHAT TO DO DO ADOBE? " was place MISTAKENLY BY ME BEFORE " THE EMAIL WRITERS NAME AND TITLE.-- ALSO IS THERE A WAY TO SEND FRUAD SUSPICIONS DIRECTLY TO ADOBE ACROBAT DC?
Bob shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Bob commented
the rotaion of a pdf ijust scaned shows the rotation symbols but they are not "lit up" and are unusable. i do not rember having this problem before today..10-30-2017. i will try lovekesh solution but it seems awfully complicated for a feature that was quite simple earier in Acrobat DC but especially in version X
689 votes
We are delighted to share with you that Acrobat and Reader Desktop release for DC Continuous (21.007.20091) is Live now and this Takes care of the Feature Request to Change the Display Size of the Acrobat without changing the Scaling/Resolution of the machine. This can be Done from “View” → “Display Size”. For now this is avaialble for windows only.
More Info Here : and go to “Change Acrobat Display Size”
Please update your Acrobat (It should Auto update or you should do Help → Check for updates) and let us know your Feedback.
Ayush JainBob supported this idea ·
2 votes
Bob supported this idea ·
2 votes
Bob supported this idea ·
7 votes
Asking for DOB is a legal requirement for us. Also can you please elaborate on the issues you are facing with the website in particular.
Bob supported this idea ·
2 votes
By default auto-update feature is turned ON, but you can infact turn it OFF. us know if it solves the issue.
Bob supported this idea ·
5 votes
Bob supported this idea ·
2 votes
Bob supported this idea ·
9 votes
Bob supported this idea ·
2 votes
Thanks for your valuable feedback, it helps us improving our product. We have taken your feature request.
Bob supported this idea ·
2 votes
Bob supported this idea ·
4 votes
Bob supported this idea ·
ha-ha Good try-we pay u do this--. come on! it is ur product which we buy qnd whqt qbout old pdfs --that bu can not open--the mafe with ur software--this is serious can we count in u to open these older --somettimes even recent--or not?