Thumbnail size reduction in Acrobat
RE:Acrobat Professional ver. 2017 and DC
In version 9 I was able to reduce the size of a thumbnail whereby I could view +/- 50 thumbnail pages alongside of a single page document view. According to tech support, this functionality is no longer available. If the only way to see more than +/- 5 thumbnails is to fill the screen with the thumbnail pane, then what is the point of thumbnails at all. I have attached a screen shot to show how I view a document.
It would be extremely useful to bring back this basic functionality. Given that older versions of acrobat are not compatible with newer windows 10, Adobe is missing out on those of us that rely on this feature.
Hi Mike
We have shared your concern with the team and we will look into this. In the meantime as you yourself mentioned, you can resize the thumbnails panel to a size where you can accommodate more thumbnails and can still see the document.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sandro Pisani commented
I agree fully with Mike's comments. The minimum size of the thumbnails is way too large for meaningful use of the intended functionality, and the glaring shortcoming will negatively affect my productivity. I'm not alone. My colleagues are similarly irritated.
mrsike commented
yes, PLEASE allow control of thumbnails as per previous versions
David Davies commented
I have to re-order documents running to hundreds of pages - I used to be able to make thumbnails small enough to do this, but Adobe have now decided that minimum size is so big that I can only ever get about 50 pages in view.
As is so often the case Adobe have removed a vital function without consulting the users.Don't be too downhearted Adobe - there are positives too:- I am impressed that there is now this option to give feedback and that many of the stupid things Adobe did with recent versions of Acrobat have now been addressed.
Please give us back that smaller thumbnails option.
jjjj jj commented
also an option to remove thumbnails
Bob commented
i agree . Thumnails are very important for moving pages around in the docs iand also it is via thumbnails is the only way to get certain commands. Acrobat pleaseGuard (and upgrade) asthis feature witha ALL of its functions. i am writing this at the spur of the moment or iwould say more. but i agree both with the original author Mike and the comments of Anonymous. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
If I understand the above comment correctly~ I agree! I used the thumbnails for rapid editing of pages ~extracting, deleting, and changing their order in the scrollable thumbnail. Also at times I made them larger or smaller for a variety of purposes. Once again-what is going on?