295 results found
Multiple documents digital sign at once
Hi, I use adobe reader dc. Need to digital sign a lot of documents and for this a lot of time is wasted. Selecting each time a specified area and sign every docs. is there a short way to do so that all docs are sign at once. I used the actin wizard and tried it but it also same just some relief.
2 votes -
Certificates & Digitally Signing
The certificates do out-date, different from the business ones they expire in 1 to 2 years, so all signed document present very often "problems with the validation", you should change they way the errors are handle, since a not changed document, legally signed in the time period of the signature, is a complete different story from a changed document, or not valid signature.
Once again all signed documents will have expired signature, and it does not really mean there is an issue, just a new signature.
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1 vote
Allow files that are protected to be attached to other documents, but still not be allowed to be edited
I have clients that want to attach my drawings to their pdfs but I protect my drawings from editing. They want me to unprotect them and allow editing. I do not want to do that. I would like adobe to have a security feature where you allow attaching to other documents but you do not allow editing the document that is already protected. Clients are very angry that I wont give them the password.
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Password protected encrypted file with a time limit
Password protected encrypted file with a time limit
1 vote -
[BUG] dgn.de eIDAS certificate not verifying correctly
Certificates issued by dgn.de fail to verifiy even though they're eIDAS compliant. It seems that the certificate which is used to sign the OCSP response is not in the known list (which it should be as it is also an eIDAS certificate). For OCSP the certificate is used: dgnservice qOCSP 23:PN.
The company has also discovered the issue.5 votes -
Being able to remove the ability to use digital and/or drawn signatures and initials in a PDF file
Simple. An option to say that "this document does not allow digital signatures", and another that prevents users from doing sign and fill functions so they can't inject or insert a drawn or imported signature.
This is because we have a form that we have applicants fill, but it must be signed and initialed by hand. Applicants left unsupervised do lots of things we don't want them to do.
1 vote -
Digital sign on 20 pages need 20 times selection of Certificate tool and saving 20 times!
IF i am having a pdf docs which i need to sign on all the pages, i need to sign this each time on each page and save each tine after each signature, each time selection of tools is also a pain!! don't understand why each time after placing a certificate, pdf asking to save after signature/certificate are placed, it should give a final confirmation once everything is done. i can understand its for security but at least the person who is signing should have this option that he can sign on all docs and at the end save everything.…
3 votes -
Add the Certificate tool to be used with the surface pro 12
Add the Certificate tool to be used with the surface pro 12
1 vote -
Handling of Length entry in PDF 2.0 encryption dictionary is not compliant with ISO 32000-2
Table 20 in clause 7.6.2 of ISO 32000-2:2020 (and 2017 for that matter) states that the Length entry is deprecated, and only meaningful if the security handler version is 2 or 3. Nonetheless, Acrobat and Reader refuse to decrypt files that were encrypted with a v5 security handler that doesn't set this entry. I've attached two files that were generated in the exact same way, barring the absence of the Length entry in one of them.
1 vote -
Crashes upon Save after inserting signature
I am running Acrobat Pro 2020 version 2020.001.30018 (most current version per the software) on OS 11.0.1 Big Sur.
I have had this problem numerous times with at least 5-6 different forms (for example, self-created from Word, IRS-generated forms, etc.) in the last month. I open a form and complete fields and save it - no problem. Then I insert a signature - no problem. BUT, when I then try to save again (after insertion of signature jpg, always the final step), the Adobe window goes blank and I see the infinite spinning wheel. The only option is to force…
3 votes -
Show Key Usage on "Sign with a Digital ID" prompt
Requesting that the Certificate Key Usage be presented on the "Sign with a Digital ID" prompt. Being able to see the key usage would ensure users are picking the certificate with Non-Repudiation in environments where users have two certificates with Digital Signatures.
Attached is an example of the current prompt and an example of the desired prompt.
3 votes -
Show Key Usage on "Sign with a Digital ID" prompt
Requesting that the Certificate Key Usage be presented on the "Sign with a Digital ID" prompt. Being able to see the key usage would ensure users are picking the certificate with Non-Repudiation in environments where users have two certificates with Digital Signatures.
Attached is an example of the current prompt and an example of the desired prompt.
0 votes -
The Password enable feature does not function on Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
The Password enable feature does not function on Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
1 vote -
signing in constantly stop this ****
bit over the constant security bs
why the need to sign in all the time
try to minimise
its becoming pain **********1 vote -
Locked file/password protected file feature
I am requesting all professionals that work with me, my accountants, property manager, banks, etc, to not use Adobe because when they send me a "locked" or "password protected" file, I cannot create an unlocked version on my side. They all come up with random passwords and it is impossible over the years to access my documents when they are locked with a hundred different security codes. I am sure a hacker can access these documents faster and better than I who have paid accountants and the like to create them. Please, please, allow the recipient to create an unlocked,…
1 vote -
One time password option
There should be multiple options to password protect a pdf, not just read/edit.
When you make a pdf that is password protected, you have to make sure that whoever you are sending it to, understands how to enter the password, change the password and/or turn off the password. Not everyone uses Acrobat.
To remove a password, you don't have to go into File > Properties and click the “Security” tab. Click the “Security Method” box, select “No Security”, and click “OK” to remove the password.
Not everyone understands Acrobat. When you password protect a pdf, there should be an option…
2 votes -
signature was not on the document even though it was signed
I sent a document to be signed. When I looked at it afterwards, it didn't look signed. When I tried to amend it, it wouldn't let me because it said it had been signed.
3 votes -
Access Code or Password to open up Document at Review & Sign part of the Request for Signature in Adobe Sign
Currently even if a document is password protected, whoever receives the document to esign has complete access to the document without providing a password or access code. This defeats the purpose of protecting the document with a password when a person can just click it open when asked to review & sign. Once a person has already viewed the document (just by clicking review & sign) and signed the document, then they can download the signed document and at that point it becomes password protected to access it, which again is already too late, as the document has already been…
1 vote -
Unable to sign in
Steps to reproduce - Click sign in top right corner of desktop app
OS - Windows 10 home build number 19042.685 Acrobat version 2020.013.20074
Expected result - give a dialog to sign in
Observed result - shows watch for a few seconds, then does nothing.
When I go into help, it says I'm logged in however I still see sign in button on right side and I can use request signatures. It shows authentication failed as shown in screenshot.
Signed in with email 24sabadenilay@iusd.org not the one I am providing for response1 vote
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